Is ANY part of Africa a decent place?
How's Namibia? Never hear shit from there
Is ANY part of Africa a decent place?
Namibia and Botswana are pretty poppin' from what I hear.
Kinda cool to visit one day maybe.
They're an ex-Germany colony. In typical German fashion they tried to make it better than every other European colony. Not sure what happened after that.
most of Africa is safer than SA desu, and from the pictures I've seen levels of development aren't hugely different either. Ethiopia in particular is a cool country with a long history and religious traditions
namibia is probably one of the most poppin countries out of africa
Its a pretty normal shithole outside of the cities with a large german presence.
probably some island and then namibia.
I've heard most of namibia are just deserts or something, also why does some african countries have those little dicks of land stretching into other countries?
The little bits of land are from the European territorial days or something
>why does some african countries have those little dicks of land stretching into other countries?
Because When The French or Germans(not sure) controlled that land they wanted Namibia to merge with Mozambique or something so they could travel from country to another without leaving their own land
Isn't Kenya quite good?
I'd visit Morocco as well, but you probably didn't ask with northern Africa in mind.
canary islands are african technically, so there is that.
Rwanda looks pretty decent
what? never heard of that place before
It's our no. 1 tourist destination
Most of it is sand.
You know Utah salt flats? Similar kind of aesthetics.
Rivers and beaches are kinda cool
But otherwise quite boring with small population
Isnt that the country with the genocide?
Are the blacks attacking the whites like on SA or is it not a problem?
>german autism
Missed opportunity honestly.
Germany started settling it and killing off the natives then they just stopped.
Coulda been like a Kraut version of Australia with White people living in a strange desert land with crazy animals.
dude just travel through three foreign country's borders anything else is autism lol
South African violence isn't race based its because its a shithole with a middle class and 50% unemployment at the same time
Access to the Zambeze river
Blacks are attacking blacks more than whites here.
I wonder why they didn't trade it after their independence to make it more convenient
Oh yes i remember something similar happened to the portuguese but GB cucked them or something
Namibia, Botswana, and Rwanda are all decent places for the most part.
>former German colony
>official language English
>Afrikaans more common than German
>South African violence isn't race based.
Wew you actually believe that don't you?
Making it legal to take land from Whites for free and give it to nogs isn't race based either is it?
Well they were owned by SA longer than Germany
German cuck education doesnt want you to know
In awe of the size of that strip
He's technically more right than you, mutt.
thats political theatre
fuck off retard you don't know anything about the country because you saw Yas Forums tabloid screenshots
Blacks there hate other african immigrants more than whites.
Swakopmund sounds great
>70s year round
>doesnt rain
>surprisingly majority white