Would you a brown gf?

Would you a brown gf?

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I would any color gf desu

this except blacks, yellows and dark browns (pajeets)

Yes. I wanna get blacked. The darker the better.


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bro, dont wanna waste my genes
i can bleach latinas and mena but not niggers, chinks or pajeets

i would prefer a brown gf over a white gf but i cant get either because im 180cm and ugly

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>muh genes

okay reshentilie

your country proves genes arent a spook

I would only a brown gf
Wh*te women age like milk

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If she looks like her yes

based, except light skin pajeetas are hot and love white cock.

On those levels of cuteness i would date red, blue, yellow, green....

prefer white girls desu

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>incels on Yas Forums(nel) arguing over race preferences despite never having sex
honestly baffles the mind

I currently do

>latinas and mena arent a waste
at least you arent a yellow fever fag

if your genes are so good why can't you just get a gf normally

for me it's aryan girls with the pink pussy

No. My parents would freak the fuck out.
t. Korean

Not like I have much of a choice

> Discount SpĆ¼rdo pseudo-balt calling someone else human waste

anyone marrying outside their race is wasting their genes and hurting global diversity regardless of whether or not the other people group is relevant or has achieved much

Okay, I thought you were throwing shade, my bad.

>tfw no selfhating macaca gf
why are we still here

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All you have left is either to be smart or rich.

Holy shit that's a big cock
