Oh no Kyiv bros we got too cocky
Oh no Kyiv bros we got too cocky
nigga what the fuck is wrong witchall
stop talking like a coon
2020 was supposed to be a good year
how i talk aint none of yo damn business so get out my face with that shit
bitch ass cracka
imma finna yeet dese hands at your ugly ass
What's going on? You don't use coal for heating, right?
you're not a coon, thankfully
stop larping as one
Okay I read the article
I can feel my lungs lads..
fucking chernobyl is on fire
man what the fuck is wrong witchu why is you all up in my face when i aint done nothin to u
post your hand with timestamp
if it's negroid, ill paypall 20 euros to your coon ass
Is the smoke radioactive?
not him but I'm black (and I don't speak or especially type ebonics)
said who?
aye man a nigga really been image rangebanned so i cant do that shit
Hopefully not the red forest
I don't know.. Officials say it's not but they also ask everyone not to go outside, close windows drink much more liquid than usual and take iodine
Some random guy on a YouTube video
It can't be real
I wanted to go to Lviv but now because of Corona I can't
Me too
me, 2020 is a cool number
Oh, you mean Kiev?
You have to literally set a forest on fire to beat China at becoming a polluted shithole
>fire burns chernobyl
>fire burns through the sarcofagus
>fire gets in the radioactive core
oopsi heheh
It is
Are you joking?
It's a big train station, a huge market and some churches
Kyiv is a lot more interesting
>Kyiv is a lot more interesting