If Japan is Tau
Russia is Chaos
France is Eldar
USA are Orks
and Poland is Adeptus Mechanicus
Who is Germany then?
If Japan is Tau
USA is Genestealer Cults
Germans are Rogue Trader Orks
Shut up nerd.
Germans are the Astartes
Rude. Games Workshop might become the biggest manufacturing company in UK in near future.
>USA are Orks
>and Poland is Adeptus Mechanicus
Lol, if USA is orks then Poland are gretchin, you know the slave race of ork cocksuckers.
>using GW newspeak
Poland is mechanicus because they work all the time
>USA are Orks
usa are obviously tyranids
Thats Chinks with their viruses and lack of souls
nah mate germoney is mechanicus
AM army list is newfag shit
>tyranids consume everything in their way
>tyranids are a mutt race with different kinds of alien dna
everything fits for the usa, china would be more like the imperial army, one human soldier don't count much and are send to death like in the korean war.
Hmm who are Polacks then
>Russia is Chaos
That thread too soy
adeptus sororitas fits perfectly for poland
>butthurt about the chaos = russia
>fanatics religious
Why, its neckbeard and autism but no soy to found around these premises Ivan
Umm, the green men were not Russian soldiers, just some ethnic Russians, who happened to be on holiday in Ukraina and also happened to be trained professional soldiers :^)
Whorehammer 40kringe is a shit setting
>rip off Aliens
>rip off Star Wars
>rip off Dune
>rip off Terminator
>rip off Judge Dredd
>rip off Starship Troopers
>make it all gayer
You forgot Nemesis the Warlock, Rogue trooper and Battletech.
Brits are the Emperor.
>the tiny coom runes etched into the 8-pointed star
Haven't even noticed those.
For me, it's the true Chad Empire
>poland is admech
you fucking wish, admech is either USA/china because lol industrial capacity or UK because muh industrial revolution
Nah, for me russia and imperium are similiar
Big - big
total corruption - total corruption
Technological regress - technological regress
Eternal emperor - eternal emperor
rolling into religious obscurantism - rolling into religious obscurantism