Please come to the Bahamas and fuck our women

Please come to the Bahamas and fuck our women.

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I wish I could

t. mulatto

But they are black!

the only caribbean accent i understand is my own country's

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bahamas is way too warm
cant handle it

is prostitution legal in the Bahamas? Are hookers expensive?

are you a girl?

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As a black man, I only fuck white women.

Ugly bitches lmao our pretas look better than that

incredibly based

please visit the US

No, I won't have sex


White Wife
>cook good hearty meals, shops for beers and cigars whilst you drink/smoke the previous week's with your pals over a game of snooker, clean the home, perfunctory sex at the allotted weekly time for the purposes of breeding Aryan offspring

Negro side-wench
>fantastic arse, can take a few punches from a real man, will milk your balls dry and thank you for it, doesn't mind being chained up for a bit, low IQ and lack of empathy so more than happy to abort unwanted mulatto bastards

Best of both worlds for a white man tbqhwy

based quints


Having sex is gay

>liking wh*te women
cringe bro, cringe

Based volcel chad

she is

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I have a suspicion that all these "please come to our country to fuck our women" threads are just made by femanons with a thing for foreign cocks

post some new pics

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too expensive, i'm poor.

well why wouldnt they? not like this board worships black women

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I would but they don't like yt bois

My condolences


Delete this

Fine, but I'm using a condom.

>that flag.

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White women are dumbest type of women. I honestly don't understand the appeal.

Best part about these threads is that the majority of the positive replies comes from mutts from all over the world. Poor Bahamas thinking they will get bleached


I had a white gf when I was a young teen and now they're all I'm attracted to, even the stupid bimbos.



I'd prefer to fuck the Indian women they have in the Caribbean desu

It's mostly for insecure minorities who feel some bizarre need to get back at whites.

well you can have them. Nothing of value was lost

Can you send some Bahamian girls here to Estonia?

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That's not her, the Bahamian poster never posted a timestamp.
OP is just some weebhomo looking for attention by pretending he is a girl

This is the life that I want. ;_;

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bros all i want is a black gf...

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