Daily reminder

Daily reminder
If you do not live in a country in this map, you live in a shithole

Attached: oecd.png (1056x502, 103.19K)

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thank god Im from Mexico

based 1st world bros

chile is a shithole

>not a shithole
lmao just lmao

For a second there I thoght I might be living in shithole

>not a shithole
>not a shithole
>not a shithole
>not a shithole

>this except only for dark blue
+Japan,Korea,Australia and New Zealand

Lmao Mexico is on that map but not Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore.

Attached: 1586982642708.jpg (750x744, 59.12K)

Attached: 2020-04-16 23_45_40-List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia.png (392x730, 26.92K)

Even if you live in one of the countries in the map you can still live in a shithole, case in point, Lithuania, it's so bad that not even the Lithuanians want to keep living there.

Attached: Lituania.png (760x250, 3.98K)

Only shitholes are Mexico and Turkey
Lithuania, Estonia and Poland are richer than both Greece and Portugal and have better hdi as well (Ironically, since Lithuanian hdi is damaged by suicides and life expectancy too much)

Attached: spending per capita eu.jpg (708x699, 92.58K)


suicide is actually respected in our culture lmao
And our emigrants are coming back (sadly)

Attached: download (2).jpg (229x220, 6.51K)

Of course the other Chinese colony rushes to their defense

Attached: pf changs.png (216x234, 25.74K)

pensions are around 400 euros

Russia not blue and Turkey is blue
Peru is blue instead of Uruguay
that's not an accurate map I'm afraid

I'm glad I live in a country with SOUL
and not a tutorialoid country

Google Oecd

>t. 170 euro Pensions

I know what OECD is and OP claims the blue countries are not shitholes and he got it wrong

Proud b*ltoid is protecting his shithole. Nice

Yes, and?

>Russia calling anyone a shithole

this makes me want westoids fall into financial crisis

Yes, I admit russia is a shithole. but your cunt isn't really better

Its not even so much because people left, but because suddenly people stopped having children, the births suddenly got halved within a couple years.

Non-shithole means that there's something going on in the country besides plumbing, Jurgis

>Only shitholes are Mexico and Turkey, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland
Yes. Correct.

How about fintech and biomedicine, lmao

Attached: Lithuanian-Fintech-map.jpg (2048x1448, 277.45K)

but that's a map of the world

Never heard of any of those companies. Besides, there is no stats on this picture. It does not give any information save for that it is possible to actually open a business in Lithuania. Market cap, stock price, earnings, nothing