
Spain Portugal alliance will never be broken.

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Absolutely based also it’s me hah

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Attached: portugal_spain_Espana7_1dn.jpg (660x440, 59.9K)


Now fuck


party rock

Have sex with Spain


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we are not fags

not a single spanish person replied to this thread
portugalbros, i think this is one-sided love....

Portuguese-Spanish Union a la Benelux when?

today I will remind them

Attached: Iberian OTP.jpg (730x931, 156.75K)

Don't be so sure about that

Attached: Lince Ibérico.jpg (1600x1067, 381.28K)


For what?


Attached: salazar and franco.jpg (776x718, 472.18K)

So that the end of the EU doesn't mean the end of our union

We don´t need any union. We are already united by blood and friendship

What does OTP mean? Also based.

One True Pairing, used to describe someone's favorite ship


I see nothing of Portugal that benefits Spain or any of its people that I view as kin, Portugal is better as an enemy in my opinion, until the forces of international intervention are occupied to not be able to save Portugal from Castile's conquest of Portugal.

Attached: el cidf.jpg (1024x1280, 208.12K)

Just as the lands of Castile were conquered Portugal will be conquered and be Castillian land, there will be no more Portugal, the portuguese state will cease to exist and no portuguese nation will be found to exist in western castile.

Spain is cute


Attached: iberian-peninsula-balkan-peninsula-29221148.png (500x397, 82.56K)

I wish I could be Portuguese and have a cute bf. We could have hot sweaty twink x twink sex till we tire ourselves out then fall asleep together :3

Kys faggot freak

Portugal is not gay

Any tips on going from Spanish to Portuguese bros? I want to read Pessoa's Livro do Desassossego, but I'm running into many unfamiliar words along the way.

Trips of truth.

Does your brown moorish self fear the fury of the blonde and blue eyed Castillian BULL?
When ever Russia and NATO or China go to war, Portugal and north africa is getting conquered and there will be no way to restore anything called portugal, morocco, algeria, or tunisia.

Attached: espada y pistolla.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)


Try again huehuezillian

Do you understand spanish well?