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*posts on /brit/*

amer sounds like a 12 year old boy now hes coming off the estrogen

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Any lads here cycle? Started cycling to toil due to corona and I'm starting to enjoy it, pushing my body and I've gotten quicker and fitter already. Going out for a good 30 mile ride on the weekend and I can't wait, blasting along with the sun shining is mega comfy.

gorebloimey chroist awlfocking moightty bloiiiiimeyy wAHEy FUHCKING BEER

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Overrated free kick merchant with silly hair.

Janny had me banned for 3 days for saying culture can be shared and evolve and just because foreigners did it first it doesnt make it any less part of british culture
State of Yas Forums lmao literally being run by marxists who want to abolish white culture.

Where's moi focking knighthood

southern "humour"

potatoe farmer cope

Anyone actually fucking care that London is increasingly a city populated by mostly third-world non-whites?

he was a lion on the pitch didnt do any gay diving either

still pissed about this ban, how the fuck am I off topic if the whole thread was (and has been for weeks) talking about corona?
Has anyone else been banned for talking about chinky flu?

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left a cheeky dislike on every single one of amers videos

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He's not wrong though.

screaming and wailing



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>there are people on this board who are too young to remember the 2002 world cup
not even english but i remember the hype
that was england's best chance to win a tournament, had they got past brazil (they should have) they would've won that tournament i think

>Moni has an Onlyfans


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Love the DM playing the lefty fuckwits and getting them in a tizz.

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did the man kick the ball?

2002 best world cup
thats why its so heartbreaking the japs lost their olympics it would have been kino

The amount of people saying paki and nigger and faggot in the thread but its disrespectful to say foreigners dont permanently own culture lmaoooo

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what was amer's blog again lads i forgot it


why even bother covering your IP like that
what is the fucking point, do tell

>that was england's best chance to win a tournamen
Really wasn't at all.


UK rap has surpassed US rap and is yet to get the recognition it deserves.



Week 4 of quarantine with the gf and shes annoyed with me because I asked her to close her mouth while she chewed

bit sad that the daily mail actually sat outside the terminal waiting for some people arriving for work to take pictures of them



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what a gross bint, give her a slap for me will you

paki in a dress
its a man
its a paki in a dress

I don’t know, I just do it because everyone else does it tbqh
last time I didn’t cover it everyone was posting shit like “hurrr mong we can see your ip”

thanks emmett


Absolutely was. In 2018 England were outplayed by every good team they faced and would've been walloped by France. They haven't been close any other time since 1996 but they weren't very good there either.

gf stopped shagging me
she knows I can’t cheat on her again


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*surreptitiously has a wank*

Man like Gheorghe and Adrian

student loan comin in soon de lads
furloughed from my part time job too so being paid for nothing
all coming up roses de lads

not schizo

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6 slices of pizza and a portion of wedges down the gullet


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>posts a single link
>deletes their post

Hate this person


the ultimate white elephant

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you're a fucking stupid bastard, I'm asking why bother covering it like that when we can clearly still see it
you've highlighted it in black you've not covered it up you FUCKING moron how are people this THICk what the FUCK is wrong with phoneposters I don't understand you do NOT reply to this post

people seem to treat me better now that i've got a haircut
didn't think it would make that much difference tbf

he's a paki
a bender
a dirty sex offender
he's amer the pakistani nonce

cringed me nut off

yeah ok

cheated on my past gf to be with my current gf
cheated on her in the summer with a polish bint
can't help it, think its cause i was a vf teenager, any female attention i can't resist

/brit/ doesn't give trips attention btw :)

hahaha what a nonce

You mean the agencies and paps they pay for pics, you div?

how much did they spend on that?

good gimmick

keeps out vile non-Yas Forums-x-ers

Better a nonce than a racist.

lol hadn’t noticed, good thing it’s just my 4G then

women are one dimensional

Was in what way? Euro 96 and Italia 90 were far better opportunities. Would argue Euro 2004 was too.
Always find it remarkable when dumb fucking zoomers completely forget how utterly shit we were at WC2002 because they instead looks at the Brazil game and ignore that we were shit too and blabber on about "if only".

i can still read your ip retard

Better a nonce than a non white.

how can you actually be this retarded, I don't understand and I said don't fucking reply to my post and you went ahead and did it anyway you disrespectful cunt, you WILL pay the consequences


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>he remembers italia 90
hello actual boomer

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imagine taking the world cup seriously
it's all rigged

just subscribed to moni's onlyfans, was only a tenner for 3 months, those ass pics though oh my DAYS


yeah whatever
doxxing in progress

just ate the cat

Holland vs Czech Republic Euro 2004, now THAT was a match

grim self promoting ur paki tranny porn post

some cunt had a seizure next to be in a beer garden when the last world cup was on
made me miss englands goal
inconsiderate twat

he threw a hissy fit because he didn't get a knighthood one year

a man worth £200 million, world famous, owns his own MLS team, played for all the biggest clubs and won loads of trophies, and that's still not enough.

which one of you was this

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does it fucking matter

post a few cheeky ones for the lads then


Soundcloud dungeon rap be a guilty pleasure of mine


I think the trap snares are sikkk

the sex pest from the north west

why is apu apustaja so cute

If you take their virginity and then marry them is it the same as marrying a virgin?

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crazy how angie varona has an onlyfans now.
it's almost as if the whole incident was "leaked" to make her a viral sensation


because you own a cat that's given you brain worms

Turkey World Cup 2002

Now that was a team

ah the bloodborne tim byrne poster?

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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little zoom zoom

why doesn't the ipf use safety straps

fierce competition these days

don't know who that is don't care who that is.

yeah maybe moni's a nonce but at least she's not a racist

Well yes. It's not actually the DM is it. YOU FUCKING MOOK

essentially yes

any senecas dialogues man in

post sluts

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why is it always yanks posting weird porn shit

do they pay you or are just their biggest fan?

What incident?

read in the private eye some emails he sent basically saying 'i donated money to charity last year where the FUCK are my honours'



not trying to be edgy but why are we treating a man walking around in his garden as some kind of national hero?

she's a woman mate

nah, if you pay, you can get access

respect her mates, she's a woman trying to make a bit of money in these hard times

>A-list director
No she's not lmao

Is this moni?

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Oh give it a rest immigrant


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A toast to British gamers!

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shut up.

yea whats it to you

cos he's old and can barely walk so for him its a great effort

I'm the owner, you little shit.

youll never be a woman

be more desperate

her bikini/underwear pics getting released as a 14 yo. btw these pics are still up on the internet so you definitely should NOT go search for them on google

mad how that nonce hasn't killed himself yet

She's proof positive that women peak in high school

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just spent an hour in my orgone accumulator



ahh time for some quality thursday evening entertainment

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yes I know but him walking about a bit doesn't actually benefit anyone

gonna play some warzone lads


tfw no cat high school GF


love our british family of nations

fucking hell it's thursday

dubs and you read a book instead

wtf when did Christopher Tolkien die

>drain addict
good stuff

seeing an escort today

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