Literally the best country in the world and germans are still so humble about it

literally the best country in the world and germans are still so humble about it.
truly gods chosen people.

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what about it makes you consider it the best

Germany and Germans are quite fine but I think Switzerland is even more humble about their little slice of Utopia they have going on in the Alps.

Don't most germans earn little to no money? like if you're single you get taxed straight to poverty.
No thank you

best country is Switzerland

>everybody forgot about the humblest T I G E R having country


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Japan is the best. Even pewds moved there.

Rich freak that got robbed in JP lmao

slawa polska

germany gave us the most racist and anti-jewish person in the world

treating our corona patients

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>move to Japan
>get robbed

can't make this shit up

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my mother told me not to talk with mutts

how can I give you Yas Forums gold for this post?

>Switzerland is even more humble

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thanks guys, but we aren't utopia. the mountains are nice tho.

You and Norway are as close as it gets to utopia

>Switzerland is even more humble

Swiss nationalism is widespread.

lucerne is a utopia. I remember when I went. i spoke with this old dude for directions to our hotel when we got lost and he was really nice, could barely speak a word of hochdeutsch

De Gaulle, the great French General and conqueror of Germany once said "Patriotism is means loving your own people and country, Nationalism means hating other people and countries" . In that regard Swiss are very patriotic and Germans are very nationalistic. We just really like being Swiss, thats also the only reason why we still exist.

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I also have problems speaking proper Hochdeutsch, I don't see how that makes us utopia. We got the same problems like everyone else.

Sure thing, we hate foreigners so much that we push an international institution that sacrifices parts of our national autonomy in favour of building closer international companionship, effectively removing borders and encouraging foreigners to come to our country.

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Memes aside, you are the most rude and arrogant people I've ever encountered in my life.


>still believing official numbers

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kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk look at his face


Please stop complementing Germany. It's a shithole.

I really am excited about the new wave of refugees, the minute kr*uts are bred out the world will be a better place and Europe will be saved.

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Hungary is the biggest semen slurper I've ever seen. It's pathetic.

I really like the language.