The more first world a country is, the more it is affected by the evil virus and here is the proof

The more first world a country is, the more it is affected by the evil virus and here is the proof

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Then why is the US first lole

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>about to surpass Italy
>currently the 2nd country with the most active cases
>"just" 1100 deaths behind Spain

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You had to take the bait?

Like there is exactly two laboratories on the entire African continent that can detect yellow plague, and you guys wonder why they report no cases...
>goes in all fields

Why isn't anyone impressed with China's low numbers? No one is bringing it up for some reason

No one believes these numbers anymore.

cuz it's fake and nobody except softy idiot trusts both numbers

Because everyone has doubts on these numbers

Because everyone knows that the big countries (China, Russia and USA) will never tell the true numbers so no one cares

cuz their fake and nobody cares. also blaming china will neither bring down your numbers nor will it help drümpf with his now hopeless re-election chances.

*brings up Chinese numbers*
Hallelujah baby jesus our death just came back to life and the economy is back on track;---DDD

There's no evidence they're lying though. +46 deaths only is really impressive no matter how you slice it.

There is some evidence, if you go through the more detailed information regarding their critical cases which have miraculously high survival rates compared to any other country on earth.
But once again it doesn't chance anything for us

just shut up chink shill

if china were lying by a huge margin, how could they hide it?

some month ago we were getting lots of videos of people dying in china, if they werent able to control the virus, then why no newer videos emerge?

Belgium is now the relatively worst affected country with the highest deaths per capita. Nobody notices this.

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They're most likely only lying about the deaths in Wuhan, though a lot of magapedes somehow believe they are indeed hiding massive casualties in cities like Beijing and Shanghair where 500k westerners are living and reporting little stuff going on.

Belgium is a relatively small country, Spain on the other hand is not and still has a gigantic death per capita rate.

But there's literally no evidence of thousands of people dying. It just seems odd not even mainstream media is congratulating China on their low COVID-19 rates and their containment of it

>There's no evidence they're lying though.
Number manipulation is a staple of the CCP communication. There is place for a reasonable doubt.
Now it doesn't mean necessarily that there is 100x that numbers, but that does make the "miracle" much less impressive.
What do you mean how could they hide it? Corona doesn't have that much of an incredible death rate. Just count them as "died of natural causes" instead of Corona. We do the same here in France too

There is a lot of statistical incosistencies when you compare the development of the disease in the western world to China, and that is without their decline in case numbers.
Like pointed out before their critical cases (people on ICU) have like a 3 times higher chance to survive than anywhere else on earth. They most likely died just like they do over here.
I'm not even one of those #chinalied freaks, but trusting Chinese numbers is just plain retarded.

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The difference between 10 and 40 million people is not large. If we only are to talk about "relevant" population sizes, why not just Japan (130 million), Russia (130) and the US (330 million)?

any medias beneath China are literally owned and controlled by CCP, which can censor reports taken from hospitals in some provinces as they want to be seemed clear.

I live in California. Odds are low I'm a Zhang

yes, i think they are hiding numbers, but theres no way they could hide hundred of thousands of deaths

but if the outbrake were out of control, and let suppouse that 30% of all the chinese population is/has been sick, whit a mortality rate of only 1%, that means china has already had well over 4millions death, and somehow they are hiding it.

>but theres no way they could hide hundred of thousands of deaths
Are you sure about that?

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>1,349,111 Chinese in California
not that low, Zhang

With a 3% mortality rate 21 million deaths would mean about 700 million infections.

Hope you enjoy the balance patch
>t. God

This has no way close to 3% mortality rate.

3.4% is the WHO estimate which was in fact increased over the course of the spread of the disease.
Most countries put it at 3%

Why do you assume the outbreak has to be out of control for them to lie over statistics you moron? We were taling about how the numbers are surely worse than the CCP reports, which would make their handling of the situation not as miraculous, given China's habit ,state controlled media and usual behaviour.
We don't have to be talking millions for them to be lying.

>believing the WHO

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Which is why I added the second line, and the 3.4% number is based on Italian, Spanish and American data

In Brazil it's already over 5% and we have subpar testing. If all actual corona deaths were properly accounted I'd wager this number would grow.

With proper testing the mortality rate goes down, though 3% really isn't far off when you consider that a lot of deaths aren't being accounted for.

Ie the Netherlands reported 1k corona deaths, but had 2k more deaths than usual that week

Wow, it took 3 months for the US to have 30,000 dead but China had 21,000,000 dead 2 months ago?

They've been hiding the disease since the turn of the century

well yes, in that case im sure they are lying too, but theirs real numbers are probably closer to those numbers in USA, considering that china has over 4 times the population of usa, they actually dealt with it quite miraculously.

It's 21%

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They dealt with it in a very no nonsense way which is why I find it so weird all the Yas Forumstards don't believe that they actually managed to contain a disease all the while posting videos of appartment buildings being welded shut

>Most countries put it at 3%
No they fucking don't. Most people are not getting tested. There's at least 10x cases going under the radar. Some country health officials say high as 30x

Belgium is fucked

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>quarantine for real guys!!! BTW of course you are allowed to walk the pupperino, don't let the doggerino get sad!!!!



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Yeah this is indeed ebola tier. Not sure if bait

holy fuck

Brazil has the best tactic. We simply don't test, so we underplay our deaths and cases. Truly awesome, you guys should try it

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Every single fucking time

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>falun gong news

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If anything this virus took the delusion of millions of people that the west is somehow superior. Total failure.

i never held a gun but i think you should never carelessly aim its firehole toward someone you dont want to shot

Our government puts it at about 3%. Of course you can only know the number after all of this is past us but 3% is really not too far fetched.
Keep in mind that it's not a random 3% chance of dying. It's about a 0.5% chance for you and me, and about 50% for people over the age of 80.

They don't test anywhere besides thailand and south korea. They only test most severe cases.