>Italy lost a war against Ethiopians armed with bows and spears in 1896
Italy lost a war against Ethiopians armed with bows and spears in 1896
Yas Forums and their entire theory of white supremacy BTFO
They were trained and armed by the Soviet Union, kiddo.
If Italians aren't white, neither are Spaniards, Portuguese and balkans including Greece. Also Finns and a large percentage of Russians.
Do you agree with this?
>They were trained and armed by the Soviet Union, kiddo.
lmao, thanks for the keks Stijn
>soviet union
I do
Sorry, Russian empire. Happy an innocent error made you kek.
>Russian empire
Now i'm even more impressed with the Ethiopians
sounded like you were taking a piss at the Americans for losing against pic related, at least that's what I started thinking of.
They also lost against France in WW2 at the very same time a bit further up north we plowed through it like through the panties of your hot 18yo sister and they lost against fucking Greece... Still they have the coolest monument for their army in the world.
Then most inventions, barring only the Germans and Brits in Europe is entirely non-whites. Nice!
Man even their measured dick averages are 12cm while the rest of euros are like 14-15cm. Meds aren't white
The Vietkangs beat the Mongols, Chinese, Japan, France, and the USA alongside a coalition. They are just too strong.
mega cope
The white race just went from inventing 90% of everything to 89%, what a loss! lmao
Based muh dic nigger
Just saying, they're comparable to arabs in ALL measures. Stature, features, dick. Quacks like a duck and all that.
>B-but if you put their DNA under a microscope, they look more European! And that doesn't have anything to do with Amerimutt DNA companies clustering European DNA together for muh heritage fags or anything!!!!
Then sub-Saharan albinos are white. Okay.
>Germans and Brits
Is there one missing
Genetic DNA of Italy correlates exactly with modern Italy my friend.
Ironically enough half your country is in the dark brown shade.
Extermination of Croats when?
Absolutely based
Meds keep coping with
>b-but scandinavians are mongoloid some have borealized eyes it's asian!!
>b-but swarthy atypical anglos!
>b-b-but mongolians in russia!!
Cold hard facts. No one will every mistake any of these groups as non-white like they do Southrons constantly. Even Asians thought Ariana Grande was a mexican.
Nice cope by the gypsy in Finland
Fuck off retard you're med. Stop sucking up to Germs or Anglos
I bet you never went to France. Otherwise, we have a lot of nobel prices
Absolutely nobody South of the alps is denying their appearance faggot or larps as one
I don't think a single gypsy has yet to land in the entirely of Finland, unlike in the US where they have the biggest diaspora
Look at your own retarded clusters, finngol, France clusters with the Brits and Krauts
Nobel prizes*.
How that's relevant I do not know my Mediterranean friend
France is the most genetically dissimilar country in the chart after Italy. Most of Occitania is Mediterranean. The only exception is britanny
And most of France's population is in the north, fuck outta here retard
only the most southeastern French are Mediterranean, but they are a minority