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where do you find these images anime footlad

Hare coursing seems harmless

What’s the deal?

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Oh no no no

Looking forward to the sunrise commute

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out n about yknow, around innit

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nth for 69-FAG-POO

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do you get them from an anime imageboard or something
or pixiv or gelbooru or what

There's no shame in attending a mid-rank uni

That's retarded if you're talking about E pills

Once its in your system that's mostly it, redosing more than twice will do nothing but make the comedown worse

Damn, he looks like shit

not only does toilberg expect me to work whilst furloughed, he also assumes that working from home means i should be expected to respond to his emails at 9 o clock at night

Charles Ingram is innocent


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Rasheed is crying because a child hit his car with a brick. State of these runts

once got into a heated argument with a pretentious pseudo-middle class african bitch because she said that white people don't season their meat and I used to work in a kitchen so that comment really fucking pissed me off
in retrospect I think she was just flirting or trolling or something
or maybe she was just genuinely stupid
who knows

why was this so funny lol

Agreed as long as it's a Russell group one

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just got one of those emails saying they have one of my old passwords and a webcam recording of me wanking it

mum told me to say hello to the extended family on Zoom

I screamed 'fuck the NHS', hit a dab and ran off

Imagine the ironing if she had a massive tattoo

>another 3 weeks of doing fuck all

Get in.

why was that all over twitter today? has something happened?

They’re only talking about petty traveller crime right now

When will they get onto the feuding and drugs and not kids pelting cars with rocks?

A cisgendered female guest is online right now


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love these because I've always used a PC and have never had a webcam

arselicker colleague responded to an email at nearly midnight
'stein was over the moon with praise for the wanker

Oh shit. Better buy a gun.


Is he fuck

haha check out this bender
he uses twitter
wahaaaay bender aleeeert

Looking forward to Dispatch : The truth about Islamic grooming gangs next week

what a unit

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>drugs broscience 101
watch out lads, we've got a true drugs connisuer here

look at this seasoned veteran of the bluelight forms and erowid vaults. hear as he recites years of brosceince

what's that buddy? take 50% of your regul;ar acid dose and 50% of your regular mdma dose for a candyflipping extravaganza!

will do pal, will do...

don't do pills. but if you "nibble the corner" off of any drug then you're in for a smoothe ride homeboy. obv you gotta mix it up though

unapologetically authentic

she's larping

trip on you prick

Go out. Collapse the NHS. End lives.

need a traveller battle royale right this instant

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Whatever, keep frying your brain

The Balirite era of Anglosphere politics saw a huge push to ban Anglosphere culture. All the hunting that was seen as quite English was banned or heavily restricted. It helped them in their quite successful push to convince the younger generation that Britain (and the rest of Canzuk) that they had no real culture. I was in Uni in the UK in 2013 when I first heard people saying that Britain had no culture, that British culture was all imported. I was studying at Oxford and I just couldn't fathom how someone apparently intelligent could be walking around an Oxford Campus and abiding all the old Oxford traditions and rules etc and genuinely believe there was no culture but they did, and it worked, I think, because they grew up watching all the things that were considered British by nature being attacked or banned.

was only in the previous again wasnt i!

You a fucking mouse mate? Who nibbles E you weird cunt

might cop

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my fucking god I've just tuned in for 30 seconds and the three questions that have been asked to this poor lass are "my eyes are brown am I subhuman" "what colour is your hair" and "are you happy"

so a fat JF.. doesn't count

Don't care

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Theyre gonna die anyway like.

who the fuck sends all of these spam emails
who reads these things
what's the point lol

Rasheed cucked by Irish bvlls

nary a syllable

late as in dead?

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But the TV show I’m watching is a UK crime hotspot on Irish travelers, it showed them hare coursing and it seems harmless

the fact is that there could easily be more child rape in pikeyholes than in islamic rape dens and we would be non the wiser
what makes the traveller man so interesting is that they're so alien in customs and morality, almost like a different species