Do you prefer ass or tits

Do you prefer ass or tits

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breast are nice and soft and ass is for pooping


women feet > women boobs > men feet > women ass > man ass




I prefer balls like any straight man would.

I prefer cuteness

>that slappable twat that always says "why not both"
Say it you miserable embarrassment I fucking dare you

This is objectively the most attractive and sensual area on female body

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i feel like breast preference is a product of not knowing about vaginas from a young age.
everyone has their tits out so thats what you see.


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tits, ass is for homos

I'm masculine. Tits for me.

fat pussy mounds

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Both, why do we always have this retarded either or scenario on Yas Forums?

Hips and tummy.

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Ass. I barely react to tits.

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This is not easy to answer.

Actually both of course.
But nice tits have a higher priority than the shape of the ass. An ass can be little, a bit bigger, etc. - I don't care. I am tolerant when it comes to asses. Women's asses actually always look nice. But what I don't tolerate are little tits. Tits aesthetics is much more complicated.


How about neither?

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bobs, no contest

for fucking:
tits > ass >= hips > thighs
for gf/wife:
face >>> tits >= hips > thighs >> ass

ass and thighs > face > belly > tits
mosquito bites with a nice ass and legs is 10/10


Abs, back and vagina muscles

Never before have I felt such kinship and respect for a swede.

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the back of the neck is better, also why short hair is superior

so basically you like men

i like both

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they both must not be big, aesthetics is what matters


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