Why does it seem like anything involving Baltic people being independent from Russia seem to piss Russians off even...

Why does it seem like anything involving Baltic people being independent from Russia seem to piss Russians off even more than the whole Ukraine (and soon to be Belarus :) teehee) thing?

Why are three tiny little countries, with barely more of their own people than ethnic Russians, such a source of immense Russian butt hurt?

And since these cause even more Russian assblast:

Attached: latvian female sample 1273.jpg (662x1000, 138.94K)

More importantly why does an american give a shit about these three tiny little countries, proxy?

There's something about the Baltic peoples (and Finns) that I find immensely fascinating. By any measure they should have ceased to exist a century ago and yet they persist. I find that impressive. Plus I like to agitate the large sections of the Russian internet population who fall the diversion tactics that draw their eyes away from the (((enemies within))).

They are putin trolls, not real russians, we had lots of evidence of russian troll farms raiding Yas Forums.
Red Dwarf is loosing his ground, so hes getting nervous.

You have to understand, Russia is in deep shit now.
Still has lots of financial rererves, but they dissapear fast with that oil price low.
More importantly, Poland will soon be not only 100% independant from russian gas & oil, but be able to send it to belarus & ucraine, from norway & usa.
This is huge. And now trumpth has blocked nord stream 2.
War in ucraine isnt going well, before it, most ucranians ware actually pro-russian. Same with belarusians.
Putain done goofed and turned them against russia.

Is this a spam post? It doesn't seem to directly address what I'm talking about?

Because the way they act is an equivalent of that guy who abuses videogame mechanics or blatantly cheats and spams "lololol ez noobs" in chat and then after he gets banned for it he starts screeching about "muh consumer rights".

Not saying all of them are shitty people but there's a huge concentration of them on imageboards, here's a prime example

honestly surprised this thread hasn't been deleted yet
fuck russia and fuck russians btw

Honestly surprised this paki is up so early
Woke up for a prayer?

Baltic countries: exist
Russia: T-T-T-T-THAT'S CHEATING!!!!!!!!!

To be frank, they should be grateful to Russians. The Russians built up and developed their cities, and they are hateful.

>more than the whole Ukraine (and soon to be Belarus :) teehee) thing?
Kek, you don't know shit

Success breeds jealousy. Russia actually did shit in history. Baltic countries are more useless than Poland.

Кaждый pyccкий, кoтopый нaпишeт в этoт тpeд, зaбoлeeт гacтpитoм, acтмoй и гeмoppoeм. Пишитe нa cвoй pиcк, бeйтящиecя yёбки.

There we go.

Explain how you think Poutine is going to hold onto Belarus once Lukashenko dies or get's kicked out. Full on annexation with no holding back?

Я кcтaти пpoчитaл, чтo шoкoлaд yлyчшaeт кpoвooбpaщeниe, и нaмepeн ecть eгo вecь дeнь) a вы? пикpeлeйтeд

Attached: dark-chocolate-bar-squares.jpg (640x360, 51.87K)

Sorry wrong thread

Because the Baltic countries+Finland were made independent solely with the purpose of having NATO closer to Russia. Same is being done to Ukraine now, and surely Belarus someday. although they are now still a Russian puppet.

Ah yes, when convenient, history begins in 1991.

Well, why else would anyone support their independence? You are naive to think that the Western powers did so because "they wanted to free them from oppression" or some stupid shit like that.

what do you guys think about chocolate ?

Don't put words in my mouth my dude. Flip side of that, it just seems like "Freeing from oppression" and "freeing from Russia" seem to coincide a lot the latter half of the last century and the trend continues today. I mean the reality is it's all just different factions of an ((international clique)) arguing over basically beuracracy/policy using the lives of (in recent example) Ukrainians and Russians as the bargaining chips, unfortunately this clique has a fairly bad track record of valuing Ukrainian and Russian life.

But yeah, HATO vs USS... er I mean Russia (and Belarus in Union State, and maybe CIS if lucky, and... oh wait no nevermind) like there's any difference.

Same with the Baltics, a lot of Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, and Russian lives will eventually be the toll paid to make international Cohens and Schlomos more money.

Im sayn most russians prolly dont give a fuck, its the trolls who shitpost & shill on ex-soviet countries & poland. On personal level poles & russians get along very well.

And as russian economy worsens, there will be more russian trolls & shitposters.
U dig me bro?

I follow, don't talk jive though, it's not becoming.

It helps to be a cluster of small coastal nations rather than being surrounded by more relevant countries (or worse, a single block of Russians) on all sides.
That, and having been Soviet republics, rather than republics within the RSFSR like Karelia for example.

Baltic states bark the loudest against Russia because they know Poles, Americans, Bongs, and even neutrals like Finns will do the dying for them.

Estonians and other Baltic ingrates only shittalk because of Poland's protection, but when Polish jets intercept Russian planes breaching baltic airpsace but baltshits go "pok pok pok lenki fashisty worse than russians"

They are cowardly vermin

African Americans are not welcome in Baltic countries

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>it just seems like "Freeing from oppression" and "freeing from Russia" seem to coincide a lot the latter half of the last century and the trend continues today
Ah, good old CNN propaganda.

they are insecure because finno-ugric women love blacks.


>old drunk in a crowd of thousands yells something

Attached: 2020-02-10 14_01_12-The Simpsons S02E14 Principal Charming - mpv.png (459x360, 160.39K)

It's all a game paid for in white European lives.

So you actually want more blacks ?

stop being racist

>be racist
>still accept black cocks into your cunt (literally) because you are afraid of actual white civilization (russia)

>Russia and Germany teaming up on Estonia
I appreciate this.

You are neither so why do you care?

>white civilization (russia)

Attached: russians.png (1920x1080, 3.23M)


one look at that site and you know it's some stupid ass shit written by leftist apes

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I'm white (inb4) and thus have European roots and a connection culturally, linguistically, culturally, etc. I care because what's happening to America will and is happening to Europe. Just like I care bout what happens to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.