1. Are these a thing in your country?

1. Are these a thing in your country?
2. Why are they so addictive? I just finished a boxful of them

Attached: ice-cream-sandwich.jpg (1200x848, 91.41K)

stop letting your dopamine receptors control you, fatso

What's the thing in the middle? Is it kinda like Kinder milk slice?

>I just finished a boxful of them

vanilla ice cream aka the best flavor of ice cream

it's what's called ice cream a food not made from cabbage, it tastes of vanilla and high fructose corn syrup

you finished a boxful?
ice cream

i-is that bad? I been doing the same for weeks now

do you eat them all at once?

I prefer a good magnum

Attached: MAGNUM ICE CREAM.png (592x601, 972.14K)

I'm 100kg last time I checked

how tall are you?


You’re not wrong. I refuse to buy them because they’re so addictive

Magnums are the best I don't care if it makes me gay

1. yes
2. wow okay lardass

>nigger comes up out of no where to literally eat shit

Damn that's a long log

powerful anus

I wanted to buy these yesterday but no store had it so I bought regular ice cream...

Attached: 1577729562077.jpg (300x300, 10.76K)

yes i love them, i ate 6 in a row a few weeks ago

Yes, they're magnificent. Do you guys have Maxibons? Nice trips :-)

>deutchniggas be like mmmm sheißewurst sehr gut

Attached: laugh.png (394x334, 181.67K)

german carp

you're fat and weak-willed

I thought it was this. This is food from heaven.

Attached: melkschijfje1.png (598x314, 259.86K)

What is the Name of that ice cream?
I want to buy some.

Ice cream sandwich

It's just an ice cream sandwich boss
Everyone makes them

Attached: file.png (2400x2400, 3.15M)

real men have dopamine receptors that don't work at all

there are many different brands and i think all of the ones i've had tasted very similar