When you finally leave your family estate in Ethiopia to come study in the USA and within the first week of school...

>when you finally leave your family estate in Ethiopia to come study in the USA and within the first week of school young white girls are screaming and sticking their ass in your lap while an obese blue haired fag cackles and tries to take a picture, but even though you are uncomfortable you sense somehow this ridiculous spectacle has some kind of deep cultural value to americans and you don't want to be rude so you look at the camera and try to force a smile

anyone else know this feel?

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The BLACK man's burden

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Eastern tennessee is one of the whitest parts of the south too

oh gee another r/BBC thread what a surprise

this thread is for discussing how much we hate faggots and white roastoids, user. stop obsessing about mbuntu's penis

White american hoes are a different breed breh

imagine pretending the guy in the pic isnt loving every minute of it

once I hooked up with an American girl and invited her back to my place
she didn't want to do penetration so we 69'd for a bit then I fucked her mouth until I came.
afterwards I went to wash my hands and smoke a cigarette and when I got back she was on the phone with one of her whore friends bragging about how she just 69'd some random stranger.
still didn't want to do any penetration, never called me afterwards, the whole experience felt weirdly contrived and professional. just a thing she did to earn some kind of street cred within her dumb clique of 18 year old sluts.
Canadian girls aren't angels but at least here when you hook up with a girl it's because she actually wants to sleep with you

he looks kind of embarrassed. like he realizes its all stupid and racist and that these girls are just coming onto him for the shock value of rubbing their butts against a black man (and clearly shrieking in hysterical laughter about it the whole time) but doesn't want to be "that guy" and make a scene so he just awkwardly smiles for the omnipresent camera that mediates all American life and social interactions.

Bro... you licked some random stranger’s vagina??? Thats kinda nasty desu

sometimes they taste nice desu. if a girl is cute and clean I'll devour her pussy.

Ever heard the saying,
you are what you don't eat?

As I guy who was in a frat I can confirm shit can get like that, but with the races reversed in my case. I'd dance with a lot of Latinas and black girls and fuck them probably like half the time. Also helped that I'm 6'3".

>tfw frat bros are banging hot young girls every weekend and you're stuck in the country side smoking crack with your buddies and shooting guns without any hope to go to school

White women are disgusting

I had the same experience when muh-dicking british and german girls. Very slutty but in a cold and professional way, like they are fucking around because they feel that's what they are supposed to do.

Damn even beta looking black nerds can get 10/10 white girls. I think it's better to be a Black man in America than any other race.

>beta looking
Black incels exist Pajeet

White girls in America grow up learning about segregation, lynchings and To Kill a Mockingbird every single school year. It's like a form of brainwashing or grooming to prepare them for this.

no it's because they learn that black guys have huge dicks

Nah, it's better to be white if you want shitskin girls, white girls is a 50/50.

>lemme tell you about your country

youre wrong lmao

>no it's because they learn that black guys have huge dicks
Wait until they find out that west african bbc =/= east african peepee

Yes, because you obviously don't interact with any girl and is a low iq abomination.
Keep your niggerloving garbage to yourself, subhuman.

Oh my pajeet friend, those are not 10 out of 10s

ok bud

maybe not, but they're still too high quality for THAT guy.

that guy looks a lot kinder than the women, he has sweet eyes. 8/10 would share a beer and talk shit about the world with that man.

Good that you know your place, nigger shitskin.

It's a weird feeling. even hearing american woman talk about sex and relationships, it's just another form of consumerism for most of them. like they got to ride the right brand of dick so they can brag about it to their vapid friends. total lack of soul compared to canadian chicks.

Even deformed blacks get 10/10 blondes

He told her no

There's no doubt black and white Chads take all the good white pussy

A reminder

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