which side will your country support in the inevitable latin american war?
Which side will your country support in the inevitable latin american war?
u r gay is the only one that doesn't seem to have riots or go bankrupt every two weeks
Do Bolivians and Peruvians use vos? I have met over a dozen Bolivians and worked with some Peruvians, they all used tu and shit
i havent heard any bolivians use it either but i suppose it must get some use, maybe in their homes or something i dont know
everyone everywhere uses vos here what a bullshit map lmao
will that be like a linguistic war or something? I don't see how the use of different pronouns could derive in a fucking war tbf
Nobody uses vos here, these maps are always wrong
People don't use vos in Tabasco, they do in Chiapas but it's not predominant.
Both. I'm salavating at the mere thought of millions of dead Latinos.
no realmente, los cuicos no
I only support the ustedeo side, anything else is for plebs
advanced shitposting
yo uso "tu"
"¿Y vo' a que te dedicai, perro? ¿Yo? Yo soy empresario independiente, vo' cachai po hueón."
el olor a fritura que emana de tu post
so is vos just a singular form of vosotros? are verbs conjugating using -áis
defecting to FARC and setting up roadside practical jokes
Pretty sure they use ustedes as plural. Don't try to make it have sense, from the time you use vos informally there's no sense anymore.
you conquistadores need to come back and civilize these sudacas
no thanks
I'm in the side of waiting them destroy themselfes like the Greeks did and them we attack
based and redpilled
What are you gonna do?
Make us eat some monkey soup?
I'll wait if so.
>Brazil missing
Argentina is broken and constantly on the brink of war with it self.
This whole question is bias af
why is the usa performing like a 3rd world country during the corona outbreak? All of latam is doing better
brasilians don't peak spanish of course they're missing, no once considers você as voseo
Spain is nowadays a communist shithole full of faggots that prefer cocaine over sex
how the mighty have fallen
Last time we decided to play a little paraguay got raped into oblivion. Guess what we could do with shitty natives like you
El uso del voseo en Panamá es en Azuero (la peninsulita esa en el lado Pacífico) no en la zona interoceánica donde la pone el mapa.
Usted > vos > tú > voh
You mean that war you fought alongside Argentina and Uruguay?
Yeah Paraguay did pretty well imo (3vs1)
C'mon mcaco
Ah yes, the famous Marxist Kingdom of Spain
cashate la boca bo
3v1 lmao, do you really think everyone did the same? Using your logic Brazil was a major in ww2 since we invaded Italy with the fats
El voseo es entre amigos o en entre gente joven en ambiente informal. Lo otro es el uso que a veces le dan los flaites cuando usan vos como un substituto del tú hasta que llegan al ambiente formal y empiezan a usar el usted. Y en general, el uso es más masculino que femenino
Otro hombre de cultura y buen gusto, felicidades