I hate being from this fucking horrid country filled with inbred imbeciles a stupid monarchy that should have been...

I hate being from this fucking horrid country filled with inbred imbeciles a stupid monarchy that should have been abolished years ago, gun laws that don’t fucking work, chavs spouting incoherent nonsense about “grime” all the fucking boomers that don’t shut up about the fucking ira, the stupid soy cunts that post on Leddit r/casualuk every fucking day some shitty “whitty” humour that fucking sucks, then you get the punks that aren’t even real punks because you’re just copying someone else who tried to be bad and the food is shite at this point I prefer the fucking pakis in Bradford to my own people because they genuinely seem to give a shit about community especially the Pajeets, but other than that they haul their shitty kebabs everywhere and dirty up the streets even worse than the fucking polish and Romanian pricks that need to fuck off, then you get the football hooligans who have never ate anything other than “SOSIJ ROL PORC SCRATINS N A PINT SIMPLE AS”


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organize with like minded people and strike them with all your strenght .

if our world is over lets fuck them a one more time at least

doing a poo :DDD

sucking a golfball while doing a poo

When I go to spain on holiday it’s fucking wonderful, but I couldn’t live there it’s boring as shit apart from the clubs beaches and food, the women are pretty sexy though.

My boyfriend's from your country. His dick smells nice.

cringe lol

I try to remind myself that we’re all trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to draw us from our vessel. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Only in books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

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then back, they did invented the computer"
--> now they are the lowest wise country in Europe

What happened lads?

What the fuck is wrong with anglos jesus christ living here isn't that bad