I hate being from this fucking horrid country filled with inbred imbeciles a stupid monarchy that should have been abolished years ago, gun laws that don’t fucking work, chavs spouting incoherent nonsense about “grime” all the fucking boomers that don’t shut up about the fucking ira, the stupid soy cunts that post on Leddit r/casualuk every fucking day some shitty “whitty” humour that fucking sucks, then you get the punks that aren’t even real punks because you’re just copying someone else who tried to be bad and the food is shite at this point I prefer the fucking pakis in Bradford to my own people because they genuinely seem to give a shit about community especially the Pajeets, but other than that they haul their shitty kebabs everywhere and dirty up the streets even worse than the fucking polish and Romanian pricks that need to fuck off, then you get the football hooligans who have never ate anything other than “SOSIJ ROL PORC SCRATINS N A PINT SIMPLE AS”
organize with like minded people and strike them with all your strenght .
if our world is over lets fuck them a one more time at least
Jason Watson
doing a poo :DDD
Jace Roberts
sucking a golfball while doing a poo
Zachary Nguyen
When I go to spain on holiday it’s fucking wonderful, but I couldn’t live there it’s boring as shit apart from the clubs beaches and food, the women are pretty sexy though.
Connor Wood
My boyfriend's from your country. His dick smells nice.
Juan Hall
cringe lol
Dylan Barnes
I try to remind myself that we’re all trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to draw us from our vessel. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.
Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.
Only in books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.
then back, they did invented the computer" --> now they are the lowest wise country in Europe
What happened lads?
Chase Edwards
What the fuck is wrong with anglos jesus christ living here isn't that bad
Brody Cooper
There we go again with the fucking “whitty” humour, is that all you ugly inbred bongs know how to reaspond?
Brandon Wilson
Genuinely name one thing good about this country apart from the music which btw I don’t even like myself but I understand how it could be likeable
Christopher Sanders
Die of aids faggot
Jordan Lewis
>I prefer the pakis in bradford alri hassan cool it
Brayden Edwards
Zachary Smith
the UK is unironically the protagonists of human history. you literally won the lottery being born there.
Caleb Rivera
The countryside is nice and some of the history is kinda cool
Robert Garcia
do you expect me to give you an intellectually honest answer after this word wall of self pity
Ayden Rodriguez
people like this, with low reasoning, made you quit the EU. 'Thanks' to these voters, the future of your country is dark.
Kevin Foster
At least us Scots can fuck off lmao
Gavin Sullivan
even more grim then
David Ward
The countryside is ruined by rich stuck up twats and how expensive everything is there. And all those upper middle class family’s wearing berghaus coats from go outdoors that they paid £200 for, pretending that they’ve “made it” in life, and how they speak with a slightly fake smile imagine being one of those people, it’s horrible.
Jason Sullivan
Looks oddly yellow mate about time to head back home I reckon
Daniel Ross
What the fuck do rich twats have to do with some cool hills?
Hunter Nguyen
That’s wise coming from a pole
Isaac Stewart
have a pint and relax.
Jordan Cook
>That’s wise coming from a pole as opposed to what? a column?
>Lovely weather today isn’t it >Jesus Georgia it’s like you’re wearing army paint with that much make up on, how about you let your skin get some fresh air, we ARE in the great outdoors after all hehe
They're there but everywhere isn't fucking crawling with them. You get them everywhere anyway.
Jaxson Ross
>A mutt and a spic of Europe engage in what some can assume as humour, though most assume it as ramblings of the autistic and mentally handy capped or in other words the retarded
Josiah Roberts
Underrated post I mean pole
Juan Morgan
Oh no, it’s not just them though is it? It’s the wanna be hippy backpackers that play guitar (shitty) and have a F#CK TRUMP badge on their backpack
Colton Reyes
No need to be racist self hating runt mate just learn to appreciate british culture instead of crying in a corner over that the life's RNG placed you exactly where it's placed you alernatively if you really dislike it so much you can always emigrate
Sebastian Kelly
>>A mutt and a spic of Europe engage in what some can assume as humour, though most assume it as ramblings of the autistic and mentally handy capped or in other words the retarded
When I gather up enough money from my job I’m moving to a common wealth country straight away, gonna go on a camp soon in a different country
Dylan Johnson
I think he's just a bit of a sad fuck. He'll probably hang himself or get over it soon anyway
Luis Hill
>>>A mutt and a spic of Europe engage in what some can assume as humour, though most assume it as ramblings of the autistic and mentally handy capped or in other words the retarded
Commonwealth countries are all Britain 2 with less anglos or a 6th world shithole
Andrew Long
Yeah atleast I’m not a faggot like you mate kill your self fucking dumb cunt
Luis Peterson
That funny white man image doesn't even apply to the situation
Caleb Ward
You mean a mutt, his spic, a pole, and a column don't you?
Michael Bennett
Yeah and you don’t apply to yourself and that’s why you’re a fat ugly cunt but oh well lol
Camden Moore
Lmao imagine being from school shooter central fucking mutt
Adam Phillips
There is no greater honour than being an Englishman
Logan Miller
You really need some sex or something mate I didn't even say anything harsh
Jeremiah Mitchell
I need sex? Yeah I fucked your mum last night mate
Lucas Rogers
Anglos are scum
Blake Hughes
There is nothing worse than being from this hole in the groud, it’s like Renton said but instead of Scotland it’s Britain, Britain is better than Scotland though atleast
Chase Collins
You raped my dad you fucking bender
Jonathan Edwards
>h-how DARE you make fun of my post!!!!1 I was in a super duper serious conversation. y-you know what! you’re not even funny!