Why is the US, the "wealthiest" nation on Earth, like this?

Why is the US, the "wealthiest" nation on Earth, like this?

Attached: file.png (1873x536, 110.37K)

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If you live paycheck to paycheck you make bad decisions

You need to rememebr that there are 330 million people in the USA.
Even if only 10% of the population is rich that's 30 million people.
Half the population of UK.


Wealthiest because the US dollar is the world's reserve currency, we can print as much as we want and gather up as much debt as we want as long as it is in USD because we create the wealth.

The world relies on the US Dollar, our military will protect it at all costs

What aboit Israel?

Is it really true that America wages have stagnated while the cost of living has risen? Or is it a meme?

Attached: 1586672851376.jpg (410x357, 15.08K)

its true, its been worse every year.

I thought this was a global issue

Why would it be a meme? It's absolutely true and still happening.

Most of these are minimum wagies stuck in low-paying jobs that can't/barely keep up with the monthly bills. The rest were never taught budgeting and all the extra money they make above their monthly bills are wasted on luxuries.