Half Italian, Half German, could he pass as a local in your cunt?

Half Italian, Half German, could he pass as a local in your cunt?

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hes ugky

no, he would be an immigrant wog

he looks south american. somehow he came out looking less white than even italians

That punchable face belongs to someone from either Apulia or Calabria.

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>we're white trust us
Proof we shouldn't mix with meds this would be our future, just like present them

Looks swarthier than me and I'm German with 1/8 Amerindian.

Why does he look mexican?

Partly right. His Italian ancestry is from Sicilia and Calabria.

inside every italian is a nafri waiting to get out

i am half ventian half bavarian life is literally hell

Weird...why do half german half italian mixes always come out like this?

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1. Cherry-picked pictures
2. There is no "Mexican" look
3. Some Mexicans indeed have high counts of Southern European DNA
4. His Italian DNA hails from Southern Italy.

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>Implying the locals in Italy and German aren't black or sand negros.

You haven't been to Europe for a long time ay?

It is a fusion that results in Jew spec

G*rms and us is simply a match not meant to be

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Because only dominant german genes come out of that combination and those genes make you ugly as fuck

Probably northern italian

Dad's from my area, more central Italy

hes hot

I see italians and iberians like this all the time that happen to look more ethnic than even some of us. Weird as fuck. Wtf is up with med genes to be honest. Crazy.

Kek so he would fit in VERY well

You're not wrong. I get confused for everything and anything. I think it's kind of cool though

Ancient Roman genes STRONK

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As if Germans needed another reason not to associate with italians


I cringe every time specially when they say that Egyptians were white

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He looks like my brother, and we're Irish/Italian. I came out tall and pale, he came out short and tan.

This guy is a somali-italian poster of int. If italians can bleach literally africans why germans are so black?

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Yeah, specially nowadays. Everyone wants to be ethnically ambiguous.
