How do you feel about this region of the world? What do you call it in your language?

How do you feel about this region of the world? What do you call it in your language?

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Negritos bailadores

Drug dealers, thiefs, ubereats

Is the BLACK Caribbean the least talked about and more mysterious region of the Americas?
Also, we just call it Caribe

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In the map, I've been to:
>Costa Rica
>Dominican Republic

Generally decent region. I prefer the mainland to the Caribbean islands, though. Mexico is the only one of the bunch with genuinely good food, at least IMO.

Probably Suriname. Guyana/Suriname/French Guiana aren't really part of the Caribbean, but they have a historical relationship due to pirates and colonial empires.

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nobody cares about that region in Croatia

I call it west indies.

I kind of like Caribbean island food. Lots of fish and stews and curries, as well as coconut drinks. Even Haiti was alright; street vendors sell little fried hot pocket things full of pasta or eggs or whatever is available. And conch meat in curry sauce.

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I always forget that Dominican Republic exists

They (like 2 anons) used to be a bit more active here

«Negros comeburra».

t. Andean Colombian.

t. andean colombian

Colombian part is decent (pic rel). DR is decent. CR is decent. panama is borderline first world, PR is borderline first world

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That place does look decent. I will visit your cunt when everything goes back to normal

it's poopoo


way better than your socialist cunt

We call it sex vacation for non yellow fever bulls. The Caribbean thot can not withstand the BGC.

El Caribe.
It's nothing but a geographical division since it encompasses several different countries and peoples: Gusanos and Whites in Florida, Yucatecos and Mayans in Yucatán, Mulatos and Castizos in Cuba, Blacks and mulatos in Dominnican republc and whatever cetral americans and southamericans are. There's nothing essential about this set of people, they're an arbitrary collection so I think nothing about the caribbean people. The sea is nice though

>a racist mexican
go back to pol, your mind is completely fucked beyond repair


Home of 90% of so called "latin music"

Y qué? vas a decir que ideologías racistas no influenciaron "nuestros" países y a los grupos de gente distntos que aquí viven? que ya se acabó el racismo en américa y los argentinos no dicen "negro" como sinónimo de criminal? si veo a la gente como dividida en colores es porque ellos se dividen en colores, aquí en México y en en tu país y con los yanquis y en Brasil.
A mí me parece deshonesto explicar las sociedades en términos no "raciales" si es obvio que el racismo es una parte importante en ella. Sean una ideología racista cierta o no, no importa si la gente actúa como si lo fuera

Caraibes, Antilles,

Some islands are shit and some are literal paradises that I would immediately immigrate too if I were rich

The entirety of the Caribbean is great, the problem is the people. You assholes brought millions of niggers over there

The only based part of Latin America

>some are literal paradises that I would immediately immigrate too if I were rich
Which ones?

miami is not a shithole

>What do you call it in your language?

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>the caribbean after post-columbian contact:
>white people: this place needs some BBC

you mean cuba?


I have inserted my dick in this before. Dam it sex is disgusting

Dumb fucking mulatto niggers with a horrible accent