Is Sinitic civilization the GOAT?

Is Sinitic civilization the GOAT?

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Is there a problem, officer?

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>building defines civilization
if that's the case Japan is western?

It makes my penis feel funny, so yes.

Sino frens

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how is Vietnam not Sino? lol

looks like something out of your local china town.

He might mean it in a more "meta" kind of way (in which case all of Europe would fall under the "Hellenic" category, for example).

Are you saying architecture is not an expression a country's cultural affinities?
Do you have any more comparison pics?

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top tier Korea han-bok.
Very comfy and reasonable modern.

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>leaving out Thailand
Fuck you too.

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Looks comfy

Do Koreans wear them in daily life?
If Thailand is Sinitic why do you practice a different kind of Buddhism?

Learn the difference and don't exploit Japanese soft power for the benefit of Sinic faggots aka the butthurt-belt of Japan.

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Bump for Japan is a province of China

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>Conveniently leaves out Japan out of Sinic

Fucking Japs

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Its shit(literally).

>Conveniently labels Japan as Sinic

Fucking chinkgooks.

Sinic is shit. Just deal with it. If it weren't for Japan, the OP image would be meh, consisting of thirdworld shitholes and ex-colonies where glories are little to none. That's why you want Japan so bad. It's pretty pathetic to claim you are GOAT on the coattails of Japanese soft power and reputation over which you seethe 24/7. If anything, Japan is the country that put the final nail in the coffin of the integrity of Sinic system in the continent. We are your death.

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Why is the Netherlands so inferior to them then?

hes the nafri

Cope Takeshi, everybody knows Japan was founded by Xu Fu’s expedition to Mount Fuji in 219BC.

You literally copied Chinese specifically the Tang Dynasty


China literally copied Japan, your point being?

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Why would a Nafri be butthurt about East Asians?

idk, but he is

Very 1930s style, nice

I don't like the vest

>can't legally declare war
