Fuck marry kill

fuck marry kill

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Fuck Spain, marry Italy, kill France

Italy will love you tenderly and jealously forever, Spain is a slut, and France is a bitter angry cunt

Kill Spain and Italy. Marry France

Fuck Italy Marry France Kill Spain

Fuck Italy, marry France, kill Spain.

Attached: hetalia-spainxitaly.jpg (600x505, 99.93K)



Fuck all three then marry Italy :3

marry france

three are fuckable and marriable. killing is uncivilised, not representative of these developed civilizations.

Fuck Italy
Marry France
Kill Spain

Fuck italy, kill Spain, holy matrimony with my bipolar, existential Francefu

Kill shitaly and S*ain and marry/fuck France. Marriage without fucking is bullshit

I'm pretty sure "fuck" is intended as "one night stand" and "marry" does included fucking, you sperg.

Fuck Spain, Kill France, Marry Italy

Fuck Italy, marry France, kill Spain, cheat on with Germany.

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ok spastic

Fuck Russia, Marry Estonia, Kill Sweden

we know you feel that way already
but that is not the question being asked

Fuck Spain
marry France
kill shitaly

Ouat ze feuk

Italy is a backstabbing country, you wouldn't want to marry with it.



Kill France three times

hey at least it worked for like 700 years


Kill Italy
Rape Spain
Spare France

Sorry. All Southerners should be killed.


fuck Spain because I have a fetish for their saggy old bitches. marry Italy because they have good food and women. kill the fags

You are the only based italian on this entire godforsaken shithole of a board. I will drink to that

t. incel

fuck italy, marry france and kill spain

but I quite like all three

Fuck finland, kill denmark and sweden, marry iceland