Argentina's HDI (Human Development index) went DOWN

>Argentina's HDI (Human Development index) went DOWN
How tf???

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America be keeping us down for supporting the nazis.

GDP per capita (PPP I think) is one of the data sets used to calculate HDI. If your country enters recession it'll most likely also go down on HDI.
Also this year probably the whole world will go full red.

Because they defaulted on their debnts and are basically broke. The Argentinean peso has devalued by 800% against the dollar, it literally turned into toilet paper since 2014. Argentina is getting close to turning into the next Venezuela.

Eternal zoosialism is the reason, like the rest of LatAm
Friendly reminder, Argentina was one of the richest nations before Peronism

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This site claims that everyone supported the nazis

>GDP in the XIX century
It's called guesstimate. Don't take it seriously

> hdi

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>How tf???
They live near Poomerica

Surprise, the current gdp across the world is also estimated so it has the same validity.

Either you Latinos stop fooling yourselves into believing that socialism can bring some benefit or you will always be in the deepest shit

explain the remaining 20-something countries that are located even closer to Americaâ„¢ then.....

Brazilians aren't latinx

Why are south Americans incapable of having functional economies?

they are becoming browner

you tell me

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>comparing the yearly growth rate of a highly advanced and rich economy and a developing economy

Lao, the fact than an aleady rich as fuck country such as Austria can keep a more or less stable 2% growth year to year is way more impressive than Panama's or Colombia's growth

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>Surprise, the current gdp across the world is also estimated so it has the same validity.
It doesn't have any validity.

i don't know shit about Argentina : the country.
but the current pope is from there and he's pretty dope. so i like Argentina now, seems to be a cool country

they probably just want to guilt you to let them in while it's cheap

nice cope, we didn't even dip into recession during the 2008 global crisis. Also panama is almost spain tier lmao

We don't have a faggot in Brussels telling us the right thing to do.

Despite all that impressive growth Panama has still half the GDP per capita of Spain lmao. I won't even mention Colombia.

You'd be mexico tier fi it wasn't for the vile abuse you perpetrate on dutch and german productive industry and citizens to get monies


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That's not nice to make fun about your colonies, Spain

>Despite all that impressive growth Panama has still half the GDP per capita of Spain
Not GDP PPP, the one that counts

Then the current GDP is not valid either because it is based on estimates, dumbo.
No matter how much you try to deny reality, it will be there, your beloved socialism will always be the engine of poverty wherever it goes.

never said it was a bad thing. Keep doing it, they don't deserve shit :^)

He started it!

Still almost the double. The point still stands.


>He started it!

Today the Brownentinian peso reached a new low. 105 Brownentinian pesos = 1 dolar.
This and the retarded government keeps printing more pesos to "sustain" the economy during Corona which means our currency will keep devaluating.
We are Congo tier now but we will be worse by the end of 2020.
brown countries are doomed to fail.