America was peak when it was mostly British ancestry

Steadily your culture has diminished and been overridden. No longer are the days of great American exceptionalism; your country today is sustained by a select number of global agents that settle for no other reason than convention and exploitation.

Look at the state of your country. Great southern states like Texas lost to hoards of illegal immigrants. Not even 70IQ Trump can save you now.

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Didn't your country practically have to sell more than half of it's companies? Why are you preaching to Americans?

ok boomer

I live in rural Maine, I could literally not care less if spics are flooding Texas or Cali lmao

America is gonna become a welfare state. Enjoy your taxes, ameripoors.

I do agree about the IQ of Trump, but the rest is just racist cliché bullshit.

Based Frog.
Don't you have some cars that need torching?

I do not care, im a nomad. I will just move to greener pastures

Yeah, but the world is ending anway. Brown and yellow hoards can fight over the ashes.

>Don't you have some cars that need torching?
I'm a civilised man, so I don't burn everythign when i'm unhappy, sorry about your biased point of view.
It's just that the description you make about an entier country, populated by about 300 millions hab, and even if indeed their president is an absolute retard, is very inacurate and mostly based on old and worn out clichés

>muh racism

Opinion discarded.

I like Hispanic immigrants.

No-one asked you, Chicano filth.

>Opinion discarded.
Yeah, that's a good discussion. No argument, no reflexion.
Just saying "muh something" without thinking at all.
Trully your kind of people is a great example for the nation.

You’re still going to live in it for the next 60+ years, and you’ll probably decide to have children in that time

>America was peak when it was mostly British ancestry
Our peak both economically and was a military power was in the 40's, so no

>Great southern states like Texas lost to hoards of illegal immigrants
Texas was always Mexican, and that used to be literal.

No need to convince gringos you are a good immigrant, they already lost their country

Isn't it still mostly English? That's what 90% of people are when they don't know their ancestry.


I will beat all angloids to death with my bare hands Inshallah

op is shahar on proxy, same typing style

I'm a white, blue eyed guy though

no, German and Mexican are the two most common ancestries

Im going to move to asia before your shithole collapses, im not here forever. Do not worry.
You are not

>Our peak both economically and was a military power was in the 40's, so no

America was mostly British ancestry in the 40s. And additionally, those that weren't were excluded from the upper echelons of society.

>Texas was always Mexican, and that used to be literal.

Yeah, and you pushed them out retard. Now you're clapping and tipping whilst getting reverse annexed.

All Fatinod should be executed.

>America was mostly British ancestry in the 40s
lol no, unless you consider German British by some weird Saxon logic

>Yeah, and you pushed them out retard
No, our census just counted them as "White" until the 70's. Texas always had tons of Mexicans.

Why are you so angry about your American colony though? aren't you their "best allies" or something like that ?

seething olmec

he's an Israeli shitposter larping behind a proxy

1980 was the last census that reported a greater number of English descendants than any other ancestry, in both single and mixed categories.

Since then, German has become more predominant. Partly because "American" became an option on the census, partly because the English derived breed slower. Technically, British as a whole still is a plurality, but it's dropping fast.

this, its shahar