Friendly reminder

Friendly reminder....

Attached: Friendly Reminder.jpg (3264x2475, 1019.83K)

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Nigga, you were literally conquered by arabs for hundreds of years. A feat no other Euro can claim.

italians can

THEY WERENT ARABS YOU DUMB FUCK MUSLIM =/= ARAB. And they didnt leave a genetic impact




The genetic change for Iberia was much greater in the Roman period than in the Muslim period, the genetic change with the Romans was approximately 20% (Levantine-Jewish above all) and with the Moors 5-10% at most

Iberian Mongrelization = Roman Empire

holy cope lmao

dayum bro spen, wtf u be doing, we and italians be homies bruh,, yo my moor go sleep a siesta, yall need a moortuguese boyfriend ova'there in spen

You mean a hundred and something years in Sicily and even less in Calabria?

Are you saying Sicily and Calabria are not Italy?


amerilard education

>And they didnt leave a genetic impact
Can you develop?

You'll never look like Llorente, why live?

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It's true, they were mostly berbers. Arabs were pretty much only the ruling elite, there were even fewer of them than visigoths. That's why (sephardis as well) so many north africans have "some" iberian ancestry when they do DNA tests.

i cannot see a difference. you were mutts before, and you're mutts now. please die.


>Not being a cumskin Iberian so you can banter the swarthoids and the Northoids at the same time on Yas Forums

Are you even living life?

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The society was very stratified (with the muslims on top of course), and the arabs weren't numerous enough to leave a genetic print, not even in the south.
>"La presencia de haplogrupos típicamente africanos en la población de Granada, Málaga y Almería no es significativa cuando se compara con las frecuencias de estos en poblaciones europeas, tanto mediterráneas como del norte de Europa", explica Saiz.

>fuck all you pigskins
>finnshit mongolian pigskins
>poor slav pigskins
>fucking germanic faggot sjw pigskins
>swede cuck pigskin faggots we fuck ur girls
>fucking pigskin inbred ugly anglos ur girls suck our dicks daily

Also meds

I'm literally saying that we are partly african, how is that cope, you retarded mongol.

here user, I fixed it for you.

Attached: iberians.jpg (3264x2475, 808.21K)

sh-shut up

>ooga booga bix nood noooo arabs didnt rape us even though they occupied our country for centuries BIX NOOD MUHFUGGA

Im not even spanish

The muslims invaded iberia and conquered most of it, but they were too few and ruled iberia akin to British india, but with more infighting. Later they actually had a bunch of muslims immigrating to iberia but because social tensions between them, european muslims and european christians they lived segregated and were killed/expelled when the spanish kings reconquered southern iberia

A- we had swarthoids before the Berbers, our swarthoids here are literally depicted by Romans and the North African DNA is pre historic

B- Berbers are Arabs were ruling elite, even the the Visigoths and Suebi and even fucking Vikings mixed more

my ancestors :)

I guess we are nordics then, because they occupied our country for centuries.

Berbers weren't the ruling class (I guess some of them were), but the warriors that helped invade Iberia.

Some were part of the ruling class, and funny enough, a lot were gingers.

>Some were part of the ruling class
I said that.
>a lot were gingers
Idk if they were like that before, though. I know some rulers, like Abderramán III, were blond, but his family had been in Iberia for some time already.

My bad. I get lost replying to retards on Yas Forums a lot of the times.


>I guess we are nordics then
Do you look like Nordics? Nope..
Do you look like Arabs? Well...

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yo my mongolian brother stop seething, join your mongrel brudas