How strong are the "Navy Seals"? And are the Isarelis stronger?

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SEALs are actually pretty shit currently.

>navy seals
>les phoques de la marine
You have no idea how it sounds turbo faggot in French.

How can the seals compete?

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It doesn't matter how it sounds ,pierre you fat french incel from Nantes, they are steonger than any army unit in france.

Any decent army has such units schlomo.

Based shahar

>Red Wings
>John Chapman MOH snubbing
>Chief Gallagher
>Green Beret murder
They're great at murdering people and getting killed by real combatants, though I think the IDF gives them a run for their money.

From what I've read they have some pretty bad disciplinary issues because of all the hollywood movies inflating their egos. But you cannot deny they have so much real life experience under their belt, much more so than a lot of other Western SF. So I guess pretty gud.
But still, I'm not a fan of just anyone being able to try out to be a seal. IMO, you should already be a soldier with at least a few years experience before trying out for the high speed stuff. I think having the discipline and standard infantry tactics drilled into you is important first before even trying out for that

yeas haha >insert random military mishap proves this. retarded mutt

Tout sonne comme une pédale turbo en français

>US Navy
The only non-special warfare sailors with combat experience are the most motivated of motivated FMF corpsmen. Basically every SEAL would have to be cross branched if your idea were to be implemented. At that point, you might as well axe Navy special warfare altogether and give the job to the Marines.
t. has never dealt with a SEAL

pédé comme un phoque = faggot like a seal
It means not only you are gay but an fundamentalist one.
And of course the reputation of the navies back in the days, men only crews etc...

your threads are so shit shahar, just kys

Ideally the SEALS should have kept to being UDT and the Marines SOF (mairne raiders at the time) would have anything land and water orientated. But I think the top brass for the marines didnt like the idea of having a commando unit because all marines are supposedly elite warriors.
Its been quite some time when I last looked into this, but the SEALS dont have the ability to partake in some operations because the lack of soldier experience. I forgot exactly what it was

I heard they were not so good in mogadisco

good riddance

>but the SEALS dont have the ability to partake in some operations because the lack of soldier experience
Everyone knows this, but SEAL ego and internal SEAL dicksucking has led to them being sent on operations they're completely unqualified for over and over again (see John Chapman incident). They're not frontline combat troops and definitely aren't trained to be.

Yeah, anything involving scuba gear already complicates the operation tenfold, so why not let them focus exclusively on that? Let others take care of land operations

Combat Controllers are 10x more oper8r then SEALs anyway but nobody talks about them because the general public is retarded

Plus the washout rate for CCTs is waayyy higher

Because they'd be out of a job and career SEAL officers would never promote. It's all politics. Maybe this will all change now that the USMC is supposed to be drastically downsizing and trying to return to their maritime roots.

Truly an inspiration to all neets

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dang he got long arms

Any basic bitch infantryman that goes through NTC is a better warfighter than a BUDS graduate, but only one of them can autofellate.

What the FUCK do combat controllers do
Why do they need to go in combat to do air control?
Please explain

All military retards are cannon fodder for the ruling class

>be SEAL
>do a tour in some middle eastern country
>go back and write a book about it
>retire and makes millions from royalties

Basically because they’re responsible for HALO drops behind lines, forming airfields, and killing anyone who tries to stop them from doing that. Gotta know air control to help land planes once you’ve cleared a spot. My friend is going to be an ATC after his service because he’s already qualified lol

They’re basically SEALs but instead of the ocean they come from the sky (and aren’t all retards)

This. Ask an Army Ranger (82nd airborne) about combat, not the majority of SEALs

dying for other's oil is top cuck.

How do they go about coordinating HALO jumps? Do they have to insert via heli before the jump or are they the first to jump or are they behind the planning for the HALO jump and don't participate in it?

kings of the battlefield, baby

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Gee bill.
The Company Quartermaster lets you have TWO radios?

Air force rescue is way more bad ass than combat controllers.
They go deep behind enemy lines to rescue downed pilots before the enemy reaches them.
Part of the training is to actually die and get revived by a fellow teammate. You have to actually DIE in order to join.

I don't wanna die

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Special Tactics Pararescue Airman *

They can attach cross branch with other specops units to work JTAC (directing close air support) or work with other CCTS for seizing hostile airfields and other AFSOC specific shit.
Ok, PJ

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They’re always the first to jump, them and TACPs, they’re also licensed to call in air strikes

why do people care how strong their countries military is?
do you get a boner knowing an establishment you have no influence over and by happenstance connected to, is stronger than some other countries?

Didnt the seals have an absolute madlad who decided to stab some unarmed underage Iraqi to death who was beeing treated by a US medic recently?

I see, thanks.

One of my friends literally died in SEAL training a little bit ago, the program is fucking incompetent from the getgo

>Part of the training is to actually die and get revived by a fellow teammate. You have to actually DIE in order to join.
Why? Whats the benefit?

Drowning? Shrapnel? What happened?

All seals are psychopaths who get off on killing people, that's half the reason they signed up.


All you need to know is that if they’re in our military and have a beard it probably means they’re dangerous as they only let they people they can’t afford to fire grow facial hair

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