How do white or korean guys feel about arab girls?

how do white or korean guys feel about arab girls?

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I lived in Ottawa for a while and my best Freind dated a Lebanese girl from Kanata and she was really cute so i would be cool with it

would they be willing to fake convert to islam lol

Give me MENA gf

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Probably not, I don't know how well you know the area but there are a lot of Lebanese and iranian people there who aren't strict when it comes to religion

im from ottawa lol so ik

not my type sorry :( I'm more into jungkook

I'm Korean tho

Honestly no clue they are very rare here

Hail Satan
Uh I generally stay away from muslim women simply because of the family bullshit. I dated one for a bit and that may have been one of the worst life decisions I have ever made. She was a real sweet woman but I don't believe in bowing down before old people just because they are old. I really hope she didn't get killed but from what I gather she was sent back to Ontario to live with other family members.

I would date a Lebanese or Iranian girl if they weren’t religious. They are very cute.

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I should of known it seems like most Arab people in Canada either live in Ottawa or Montreal

I'm not religious but we'd have to have you pretend to be muslim for my dad (;

we murder them

I would date a western one. I’ve seen some very beautiful ones but I’m not sure if I would date a religious one or could deal with the families they would have to accept that I don’t follow their religion.

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well I (and most women) wouldn't want a bf who isn't willing to compromise you have alt rite vibes btw

I would date an Arab girl

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wouldnt pretend to be a m*Slim for millions of dollars

How is anything I said even related to alt right? You must be baiting. I just do not want to be forced to fake anything for anyone because it’s disingenuous.

Lol you have mad fascist vibes btw


Is there quality Lebanese in Montreal ?

your so ready for character assianastion just because someone wanted to pursue a life of there own. If you wanna live under sharia go to Somalia. Weather is wonderful this time of year.

lol you're really gonna call an asian guy alt-right cause he doesn't want to go along with your muslim play pretend to satisfy your dad?

why do incels keep falling for cringe LARP threads? seems you don't even need to post a fake picture nowadays to get simps to worship you for pretending to be a woman

altrite vibes as I said im not religious lol

Je suis pas asiatique, Pedro mais cva merci :)
You are actually retarded enjoy lying to your entire family then sweetie ;)

they are cute but too rare

Never met one. Most are locked at home with a sheet over their head
But the few I have seen are meh, especially the hook noses that I can’t look past

We don’t have many Arabs in Brituhn. Only really Pakistanis and they have a bad reputation here. I like how Arabic sounds when a girl speaks it.

You should treat your pakis better, because pakis in pakistan are scared of the uk paki

I guess you will get comfortable with lying to your family. No decent man should bow for pussy lol.

They rape children.