Balkan Chads

Why aren't you supporting Albanians, user?

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I don’t know but now I do.

I serve the Albanian state.

How would I even support Albanians? What things do you guys export? Is there even like an Albanian online shop where I can buy stuff?

They export themselves mostly.


The most pathetic shits in Balkans by far lmao.
Americans just openly deposed government in "Kosovo" because they didn't obey them 100% and the faggot they kicked out is basically thanking them.

Balkans are crazy, but they Europe that explains acting like cucks

*foreign minister sings Osman agha to Erdogan*
*kisses the ground in a South Korean factory to thank their masters*
*builds Putin a wax statue and lapdogs him with visits a few times a year*
*shamelessly becomes a Chinese puppet state and has thank you brother Xi billboards everywhere*

Hahahah you fucking autist, unlike your schizophrenic screeching THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED AND IS SOMETHING RELEVANT.
You probably don't know shit since you're literally diaspora rat but Kurti was literally removed on American orders, after they OPENLY threatened him with "consequences", and he literally made the statement along the lines of how much he loves USA. Why? Because he didn't want to remove tariff on Serbian goods hahahah. Actually he removed it but he planned to do it in steps and Americans just smacked him on the head.

Now go ahead and find a SINGLE case in history where Serbs obeyed Russians like that lmao.

I know you're mentally challenged but this is so fucking humiliating, far more than Dačić singing some shit at a diplomatic reception or even Haradinaj openly saying "we have no foreign policy we follow America".

In Japan, Albanians are seen as the most attractive race.

Japanese girls dream about being fucked like animals by Albanian men.

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And while whole Balkans is an abysmal shithole, it's fucking Albanians, who are the poorest, least accomplished nation here, with statehood measuring in DECADES, who are the most rabid nationalists.
You even managed to irritate cucklords who declare as "Montenegrin" here with your ape-like behaviour and provocations.

I'll never understand this mental illness.

Not to mention how you are so horribly deluded and agressive that you're in awful relations with EVERYONE around you.

Then I see a fucking Albanian talk about GREEKS, people who built Western civilization and who have millenia of history and culture, and imply that Albanians are superior, and I get a mild aneurysm from how bizzare the whole experience is.
I honestly can't understand how a human being can be so terribly out of touch with reality.

>modern Greeks
>built western civilization

There’s no constitutional imperative for Kurti to name a new PM, he can just ignore Thaci and company and VV! will go on as usual. That’s why Kurti is sandbagging to form new government until elections will be held which VV! will he greatly favored

You could only hope to have a Kurti in whatever serbshit hole you crawled out of, but alas he’s a man of a generation

This dude posted 3 paragraphs of actual seethery at midnight his time just because his daddy got tractored out of Kosovo 20 years ago lmao I’m dead

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BASED and nippon pilled

That's absolutely irrelevant to my point. Are you implying modern Albanian achievements make them superior to modern Greeks or something?
For fucks sake man we are talking about people whose language was first attested in 13th (THIRTEENTH) century. Before that they literally don't exist in historical records.
Today, they are Moldova-tier country where you have armed clans who shoot at police when they try to destroy their marijuana farms.
Citizens of such an abysmal hellhole can't really act superior to anyone around them. Keep in mind that "Kosovo" is even worse.

Literally 500 words now LMAO

How can you be so fucking butthurt hahahaha like nigga we cleansed you that’s it hahahaha it’s over move on

>I’m dead
Braindead certainly.

based in fact

You didn't cleanse anyone though, you just moved in after NATO troops like rats. Don't steal other people's accomplishments like that. Albanians never did anything in history, you were always a foreign tool.

Hahahahaha imagine going to bed angry on a Tuesday night because your mommy and daddy got evicted from their village on a tractor 20 years ago lmaoooooooooo

Armenian tier seething

I'm not angry at all though, I'm just perplexed at how many mentally ill people you have.

>I’m not angry
>500+ words of seethe unprovoked at 1am

You have always been our bitches

In Kosovo you worked our fields
In Macedonia your families were so weak they needed our protection
In Montenegro we rode across Lake Shkoder uncontested as slavers

Whatever you think we did to you, we probably did and we’re proud and would do it again or worse

You are not getting any apologies, admission of guilt or remorse, or even any recognition about what you splurged out

Yes we destroyed your churches
Yes we ethnically cleansed you
Yes we massacred 50,000 of your rats in ww2 in cold blood
Yes 250,000 of your kin are buried in the mountains of north Albania

No we don’t feel bad about it

Based brother

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because I hate them.

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And for your all "accomplishment" you're still poorer than any other Balkan state :)

But your autistic brother likes Ottomans though.

stfu serf
