Are they the mexico of Europe ?

Are they the mexico of Europe ?

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>fucked europe for centuries
>fucked asia for centuries
>fucked africa for centuries
>genocide pests right and left and pretend like nothing happened
I see nothing similar to that mutt satellite state


>implying that turkey is Europe

mexicans commit way fewer crimes and actually try to assimilate
Turkey is the Haiti of Europe

Their behavior reminds me of pajeets.


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>total numbers
Are you mentally challenged or just turkish?

> India worse than Somalia
> No Pakistan

What ??

this is actually offensive don't compare us to those cockroachs

You are a fucking plumber. Don't act like you're western european slav shit
And you're a fucking spic. You should know your place too


They're not really known for their drug production and mafia, so no.

turks are annoying but not mexican-tier, they dont really have cartels and shit. i would say mexicans are more like moroccans. aggressive, ugly, dumb and dangerous.



What are Canada's mexicans ? We legitimately don't have any except maybe natives are the closest thing

do not insult mexilindos

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You're a mutt subhuman with no culture. You have no right to criticize white slav aryans

They do have mafia called grey wolves who are trying to put state politicians of turkey in power throughout various european countries

It's probably nafris desu
>Illegal immigration on suicide boats
>Drug trafficking and crime
>Refusal to integrate

If Winnipeg were a city in western Europe it would have a murder rate 1.5 times higher than any city so yes. Also Thompson Manitoba is known for being the worst city in Canada

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Pakistanis are the new brits, they have assimilated to their homeland now and spend their time enforcing sharia law among the lands.

>You're a mutt subhuman with no culture
You just described yourself

we are peaceful and cute out of mexico so no

We are not aggressive, or you mean mexican criminals doing criminal stuff?

Could you stop calling everything you dislike mexico?

Every country has good and bad people but the dangerous parts are pretty fucked. Mexico has 4 of the top 5 deadliest cities in the world

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Amazing how mexicans act all high and mighty, if people didn't know the gigantic shithole that your country is they might actually believe it.

mexicans are violent and commit crime at home, turks and arabs are violent and commit crime abroad
Prove me wrong

stop being violent then

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why are brazilians always so tsundere for us?

But those are criminal scum doing shit to unarmed people, the rest of the population can't do shit because most Mexicans doesn't even believe in owning firearms

You know what you're right. Mexico is a warzone. I'll apply for assylum on some first world country.
Any takers?


I support you in this one, fuck roaches

Yeah I know it's why I said there is good and bad people of every country. Just the shitty parts of mexico are extra shit

we are better then because that means we only target others mexicans while arabs and turds target the natives of those countries




based brazil-mexico alliance against turdkey

Mexicans have a culture though, food, music etc. You wipe turkey tonight outta the map, and tomorrow no one will remember them other than the genocides.

>b-b-but ur a pole
ok chicano
that's my point

>little brother syndrome
Every time

>Mexicans doesn't even believe in owning firearms
It is not that, at all. It just happens the SEDENA asks you for a shitload of paperwork, virgin Mary's menstrual pads and a trip to CDMecos to get one.

Reminder that the northern part of Mexico isn't really Mexico, but an extension of Amerimuttland. We, true Mexicans, hate them.

>Fix your country fucking spic, revolutions are easy and totally work, like the last time

Get fucked.

I have a clogged toilet, you know your way around

Fucking kek

North Mexico really is everything wrong with Mexico. And they blame CDMX, for what? Talking funny, being tacky and quesadillas without cheese?

North Mexico: no history, big industrial cities, narco land, no cultural value at all, beheadings, etc

well what's turkey known for then?

They’re like the Greece of Europe

Turks are the Greeks of Asia
>weird ancient culture
>begs for foreign gibs
>either in turmoil or under dictatorships
>hairy and light brown
>loves retarded foreign abrahamic religion
>mid-tier by continental standards