Global superpower

>global superpower
>still measures things using body parts

Attached: united-states-of-america-05.jpg (1024x768, 108.95K)

sounds pretty based to me

>changing your measurement system just so the math is easier

Attached: 1505068828767.jpg (508x524, 44.3K)

I'm sorry your dicks are so small you can't measure anything with them

>we dont measure things with bbc

This is unironically and totally based, only the strong can ignore what the rest of the world does and do it their own way

>implying that dick is used in the inferior imperial system

We tried to implement the metric system in the late 70s/early 80s but the program was cut by the Reagan administration.

God I wish we still used Imperial rather than our gay ass mixed system

Attached: Chad imperial vs virgin metric.png (2005x2628, 319.68K)

>Global Superpower
Not for long

imperial is mainly just used for basic stuff. in my (albeit limited) experience with manufacturing, metric is used when precision is needed. plenty of people know metric if they have a job or task that requires it. but for people who dont then using imperial is just fine.

you fuckin wish hans.

metric is cringe and reddit

Imperial is the definition of SOVL.

imperial = soul
metric = soulless

Yeah whenever I talk to my old man who used to work at rolls royce about this (he still uses imperial) he says that Meteric is amazing for actual engineering but imperial is better for day to day stuff as imperial units are more intuative and come in better units. For example a pint of water is better than a litre or decilitre if you just want a drink, similary with just guessing lengths off hand yards and inches are more intutive than metres or centimetres.

Metric is used in science and tech courses in universities (where they matter). Imperial is fine for daily conversations.

We are inching toward the metric system.

stuff tends to converge to the most efficient nd productive systems, it's only natural. Imagine measuring shit in feet, elbows and stones in 2020

This. Thank you Private Lopez.

We still use Miles for distance, stones for weight and used mixed roadsigns

Attached: Road-width-pic-online.jpg (1000x623, 102.36K)

What is being implied here?

>Imagine measuring shit in feet
Easy, almost all countries use feet for measuring height in aviation, even Russia had switched from meters in 2017.


yeah, except all scientific institutions, including the NASA, and most industrials are already using the metric system (actually the International System of Units), and for a long time. USA is mostly metric, but at the very exception of it's "lambda" population

that's gay

>Weighing people with a unit of mass
Kinda cringe, how many newtons do you weigh senpai?

Hans, no, not again. You have tried this before

>how many newtons do you weigh senpai?
dunno, I do absolutely agree for a better international system though, based on physical constants

>those nitpicked inventions that aren't even true
wow fucking faggot

Didn't one of the Mars missions fail because converting between metric and imperial got fouled up?