Yas Forums bros, im ashamed of my country

Not only do we consistently have the worst posters on Yas Forums who add nothing to the conversation except bitterness and arrogance, our general is also absolute shit:

>schizoid attention whores like leo and geestesziekje
>le epic meme campaign to bully the belgians (actually good posters) away to the point that they started their own general
>all the memes and conversations are forced by a small elite group with a private chat room (they call themselves "zijbuis")
>we used to have a meme where we translated english loan words but people don't do that anymore
>raiding female twitch streamers every evening
>simping for the excact same female twitch streamers
>unironic nazis and endless race baiting by posters who larp as moroccans

Today we've seen that most /nederdraad/ers genuinely believe covid is a hoax and 5G is dangerous. Please tell me your generals are better than this. Our thread seems filled with high school dropout.

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who gives a shit
you're not responsible for what others post

is /deutsch/ any better?

Stop being a know-it-all.

hier heb je wel een punt makker

that's why we relegate you to being nothing more than toothpaste on this board, colgate.

ik mis deze zandneger zoals je niet zou geloven

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Except for that one Canadian who keeps spamming embarrassing anti-american threads our generals are always full of mutt nationalists and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

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Our general is exactly the same


bek dicht

dat is precies wat er staat

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Living in poo shithole is the most embarrassing you can get

>>le epic meme campaign to bully the belgians (actually good posters) away to the point that they started their own general
Ehm, sorry bro, but 9/10 of them are basically Nazi sympathisers

*yawn* people who generalize all posters from one country are some of the dumbest posters on the site.

letterlijk het begin van neo-Nederdraad

neo-nederdraad was de beste nederdraad

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>raiding female twitch streamers every evening
Dit is exact 2 keer gebeurd

Don't be intolerant.

wie is dit?

Dat waren Rova en Gaart

Djz nieuwvriend

>anti anime strijder
>anti belg strijder
>anti verengelsing strijder
gebaseerd als je het mij vraagt

Takbir was gebaseerder

>ik zit langer op deze schijthol dan jij kijk hoe NIET zielig ik ben

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Poomerican fat fat fat


your language looks like drunk english

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Ik heb tenminste wel een vd

I'm gonna take your glasses and sit on it.

tekstboek definitie van cope

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deze draad is letterlijk gemaakt door dat 5G mongooltje

I dont know how someone could look at dutch and say ‘yes i want to become fluent in that’

you are the worst poster on this thread
not a single person on all of Yas Forums does this type of pathetic ass kissing and validation seeking

kanker op kanker alu maar doei ik ga mijn vd neugen doei doei incel

blijf jezelf voorliegen leo

ik ben leo niet djz

what a nice thread

suc7 er mee

afz. leo


smaad en laster nog 1x en ik sta opnieuwn aar de politie

Our general is pretty /comfy/

hjb leo

ik ben de echte leo waar heb je het over

you get some insanely crazy dutch posters who think/want to be normies but fail so hard at it they turn batshit insane, you just have to accept you are not part of society and live life but some cant handle reality

most dutch posters are aight tho, they are still below flemish posters but thats because only the autists of autists manage to find their way to this place

At least you're aware of it

Come to /cum/, we welcome outsiders as long as they don't shit up our thread