Are you spiritual or religious?

Are you spiritual or religious?

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Kill me, Pete

how can anyone be religious in this century?

Usually means i am too lazy to follow any moral codex so i make up my own that allows all my faults.

I believe that god exists but I'm not religious, I'm agnostic I guess


Kill me, Pete

not actively. my mom comes from one of those ghost-worshipping third world pagan catholic larping cultures so i absorbed a little bit of it just out of routine. it mostly boils down to conduct and household practices.


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Basically I mean if you're not a member of an organized religion but you believe in spirit worlds, dieties, karma, divine order, ancestor veneration, or something like that.

Kill me, Pete

Are you a Deist then?

Yes, everyone that wishes to have a virtuous life and understand God's natural order of things needs to be

Nowaday, being "spiritual" either means following some shallow superstitions and individual detached from reason dogmas or being in a confused mess of aesthetic rites and magical beliefs

Following a religion requires more than simply believing in something but actively acting and pursuing that, and from that order towards the nature of things is that faith arises, not really the opposite.

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I'm a methodist desu. Calvinism is horseshit because christ died for everyone, not just a select few. The idea of a single pope or leader besides christ himself is non-biblical.

Im an honest man
I follow it when it suits me or when I feel like.

im metaphysical

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yeah, probably. I guess that's the word for it


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I'm spiritual. I believe in abstract made-up concepts like justice and morality, and that human life has an innate value -- that humanity (in the abstract sense, not biologically) is holy, essentially, without any of the religious connotations the word carries.
Living beings have a soul, not because they really did but because I choose to believe so.

Organized religions and religious people on the other hand can go fuck themselves. It's a charade and a fucking disgrace.

Spiritual "pagan" but not any organized religion.

An ideal

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I'm part of the Hebrew Roots Movement of Christianity.

Basically we believe in the New Testament but also accept the Mosaic law of the Old Testament because we believe Yeshua (Jesus) grafted in gentiles into the house of Israel, and Matt. 5:17 supports it.

We don't celebrate Christmas or Halloween, but rather the 7 Biblical feast days. We also observe Shabbat (Sabbath) on Saturdays rather than Sundays.

We also do not eat things considered Biblically unclean, such as pork or shellfish.

We do not follow the Jewish manmade traditions of Talmud or Kabbalah. Everything we do is from the Bible. We believe in the Trinity, the Virgin Birth, and salvation by grace through faith in Yeshua (Jesus).

It's actually a really fun community to be part of. The only other church I attended before this was a non-denominational new age BS church full of "cool guy" preachers with tattoos, skinny jeans, and gauged earlobes.

quintessentially american post

After a lot of twists and turns I'm a convert to Islam. A lot of brothers can be a bit autistic sometimes and generally there's a very real disconnect between Western theology (and by extension culture, mode of thought, etc.) and Eastern, but over all coming into religion has given a profound calmness to my life. Some of the kindest humblest people I've ever met have been at my local mosque, and the pillars of Islam are clear instructions for how to live a good life.

Imagine caring so hard about random hippies or being so condescending towards them that you make this comic strip. As if being a fat boomer worker drone entitles you to jannah.

What's so American about it?

I’m a practicing muslim.

Most of it is literally discarded in the acts of the apostles

Can you quote some scripture in context for me to support that?

Your picture shows Venus von Willendorf, a figure almost 30,000 years old.
What the hell does that have to do with religion or spirituality?
Why are you US citizens so uneducated, stupid and ignorant?

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Just read up between chapter 10 and 11 where they address the food laws, for starters. Most of the writing is heavily implied to discard the old laws, at least for the gentiles.

No idea. Probably not, though.

The ideology I follow is very cringy but I do believe in God, just not in a conventional way
