Reminder that the only valid measurement of Europeaness and or whiteness is high WHG + Yamnaya. All else is cope

Reminder that the only valid measurement of Europeaness and or whiteness is high WHG + Yamnaya. All else is cope.

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Who cares about race? We are all together on this
all living beings are on the same side in life

aka descendants of Middle eastern farmers

ey yo we wuz europeans nd shieeeeet? bow before me wh*tebois

>aka descendants of Middle eastern farmers

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>western hunter gatherers
>descendants of middle eastern farmers

>aka descendants of middle eastern farmers
No that's where neolithic farmers came from aka most Southrons ancestors.

So baltic and slavs are more white than anglos?

The only people who care about this are unironic incels


isn't that obvious?

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As far as I know, as far as Northerners or Northeasterners go. Britbongs have the highest neolithic input of anyone else in the North.

he's got a big brain.
yes you are the descendants of pajeet rape.

Rbeta cope
Not I? Not properly Euro

>eye/hair colours
Literally American education, Yas Forums tier, ignorant untermensch

where do you people even come up with these retarded maps?

Samefag pls

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eeey tone those american mutts amirite?

Insanely ancient basic components
If you wanna larp about we wuz white or we wuz anything, go genetics or stfu

No you western Turk, it's literally basic genetics even a retarded toddler could understand


not saying that is all that matters, but blue eyes and blonde hair are the most iconic physical traits of having european ancestry

We do we expel the medshits back to the middle east bois?


Its literally a mirror even a monkey could understand. But you are not even a monkey so you dont understand it is that right?

Nearly every Italian is a terrone according to my genetic correspondence
And you are basically a mongol
Blue eyes and blonde hair are a huge meme pushed by the third reich (nice failure thanks to Himmler kidnapping polish toddlers to bleach central Europe, based on an "Aryan" steppeshit meme). The only relevant colour is unexposed skin.
If you keep denying this, you are as "white" as an American larping on the only thing he has left, eye and hair colour. Irrelevant recessive traits.
Study and go deeper, unless you want to be a Yas Forums subhuman larping on memes, basically a cottonboi (even those have a culture of their own)

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>But you are not even a monkey so you dont understand it is that right?
Exactly, I'm neither Greek nor Turkish
Glad you finally understood how mirrors work tho, keep it up
Considering your neighbours, you'll get insanely cucked and blacked

lmao this poop eye butthurt

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Why are you all so obsessed with race? Do you not have anything else to identify with? Like a subculture or the region you come from?

Not butthurt, just trying to teach apes science

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burger's IQ

NW/N euros are getting so blacked and cucked Americans are slowly becoming unironically based

Anatolian farmers were in Europe thousand of years before the dark skinned steppe niggers

you are albanian aka both greek and turkish

what about the haplotypes though?

Imagine being a RSteppe Rtard and calling yourself European
Fucking Rbetas

>you are X
Sorry memenewtard, I have data to prove you wrong
Good luck tanning (imagine) on your balcony this summer

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You should learn how mirrors work seriously. You are not white/european.

He actually is a North Macedonian diaspora

Your blue eyes haven't contributed much to the planet as that Italian anons poop eyes.

It's literally the only thing he has in his life

>meds seething
Their country is high quality, and shitalians are dying from corona, what are you saying.

>Why are you all so obsessed with race? Do you not have anything else to identify with? Like a subculture or the region you come from?

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>and shitalians are dying from corona

we were talking about genetics, not achievements and i doubt that italian user has achieved anything notable in his life

Explain the news of the yamnaya wiping out all the men of the iberian peninsula 4500 years ago and settling there, then.

Yeah we have like 17 million shitalians

>Anatolian farmers were in Europe thousand of years before whites
we wuz ancient meds n shiet?
What have farm*id eyes contributed to the planet besides destroying it like the cancer they are?

Every civilized country (except Germany/nazis that made you relevant) sent their trash there

Well....don't Iberians also frequently larp as Germanic and Celtic tribes and play dress up?

Honestly can't see what's wrong with "larping", or basically acknowledging you origins if you also acknowledge your current nationality/culture

What happened is what would happen if white started killing swarthoids right now and burn their ch*rches. They kicked swarthoid trespassers out back to their desert hellholes they spawned from.

Come home southrons. We'll set up a perfect spot for you to settle back in.

>Honestly can't see what's wrong with "larping", or basically acknowledging you origins if you also acknowledge your current nationality/culture
ayyyy tone we wuz white n shiet

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You were made for big black turkish cock


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red hair and brown hair as uniquely white traits as well as any light eyes. brown hair arguably comes from mixing but Ive never seen it on non-whites ("""white""" medshits included).

Only black hair and eyes are non-Euro traits
Literally the only moment they matter