don't turn 25 edition
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
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i got my NEETbux from the government today :)
i hate college so damn much.
nice ;
what are you studying?
thanks. are you the iraqj with iq of 7600?
office slavematics
do koreans go to trade school or its not well seen by society?
Im kurdish
oh you're that nigga. you slaying?
pingling ling long
DIng ding ding dong
dong ding ding dong
*flolp flolp flop flolp*
*hahah haha hoh haha*
*tok toko tok toko tok toko*
kek but are people nice to you at least?
salut. i think you slept yesterday but if you're still curious about it yes its normal you cant use phone when you have dial up internet because the internet comes from the phone line only way around is to get another phone line
how does this relate to anything my friend
ring a ding ding baby
a /mena/ classic
what do you mean?
Thank you, yes I slept. I checked the thread for your response and found it and watched the video.
How does being nice relate to my officecuck major
Are we finally going to have a comfy /mena/ general now that Iraqis are contained on their own?
it doesn't but it's better to not have everyone give you dirty look when you're minding your business
You weren't posting here because of them?
Classic Neo-Algerian arrogance.
I fucking hate this country and its ISPs.
this month's internet quota was paid ten days ago and WE sends me a message today telling me that I have consumed 70% percent of the fucking package.
yea bro Korea is a beautiful place
What is this thread about
>Paying for packages
That's just hell on earth, the worst
you better be paying for unlimited internet for a month.
Our ISP is as bad, the problem is that it's the only internet provider if you don't want limited data.
Nah, I don't post here that much. However, I do stop reading the general when I don't like it flow. Usually when there is too much Arabic script (I find it too small) , shia faggotry and anime posting.
Hi sexy, its for chilling when there are less than 2 irakis.
make it three
we're planning the next bombing of the white house
doesn't syria and libya have better internet although they are in a midst of a civilwar ? i remember hearing about it once
>you better be paying for unlimited internet for a month
there's no unlimited in Egypt, used to be but not anymore, idk why. I hate this country so much, you wouldn't even know.
I straight up ditched Algerie Telecom, I've been using ooredoo for a while, It's limited data (I pay 3500 dzd/27 usd for 100 go) but it's really good after midnight.
Yes, our internet is among the slowest worldwide, even some African shitholes have better speeds
I hate it too, because the state heads are going down the same backwards path.
We should immigrate someday.
why thia algerian nigga samfagging himself?
inshallah algeribro
1 iraki is too many, even can't imagine 2
Fire or chemical?
those majoos are based
I'm not tho
keke, wrong link
but rhythm heaven is fine too
>tfw still using algerie telecom
>tfw too cheap to change to ooredoo
we have to upgrade to more modern methods, maybe full on sissy hypnosis and then we'll enter and have consensual sex with the workers there
where do you live ? i can't trust you you might be me but i forgot
there was 0 algherian
Now there 2 Algherians
Never change to Oreedoo, it doesn't have an unlimited data option, let them fucking rot
We deserve 20 mbps for $20 a motnh unlimited Data.
Allahu AKbar SAddam Hussein!
it's actually three
i never heard someone complain about ooredoo, i always hear complaints from djezzi and algerie telecom but
>We deserve 20 mbps for $20 a motnh unlimited Data.
you got me there sa7bi
Masallah clap the huge cheeks that american women have from too much carbs and sitting all day
Thinking about a human shield of people coughing so nobody can go near us
>Ywn play bob marley while cruising around this summer cause of corononig
my boomer dad loves bob marley
We really do deserve it chreeki