>Over 8 times as many deaths as China as of now
>Had to use a desered island of New York to bury the corpses of those who couldn't pay for the hospital bill post-mortem
>Trump almost fired his health advisor because he couldn't stand listening to the truth anymore

Every day is a step closer to the apocalypse

Attached: IMG_20200312_002724_552.jpg (303x295, 18.29K)

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based Trump

>Over 8 times as many deaths as China
Lmao, it takes a real retard to believe Chinese propaganda. Inside sources are reporting tens of thousands of deaths within the country.

>300 +70 million population

thats plenty to go until capitalism fails lad.

Attached: 1529830758568.jpg (640x634, 73.59K)

>trusting chinese data

yeah because your response so far has been great right? dumb wop.

Attached: dumbwops.png (750x321, 94.6K)

the US has had a lower death rate than Norway

do they really

If you actually believe that the chinese are presenting real numbers then you are fucking delusional

doesnt matter. i can tell you that american are fucked just by looking at their health care system and how it works. beside that i would multiply american numbers by 3 if you want the real death toll there. americans love to hide this shit and be quiet about.

>death rate
they never cherrypick this number
hmmm, I wonder why
europe death rate is about 3x ours

>>death rate
>they never cherrypick this number

Attached: corona1.jpg (1024x842, 76.3K)

>he believes china isn't lying about their figures given all the fucks up and the mass movement at during the january period
>he forgets the island has been used for years a temporary storage for the dead
>he claims to fully understands the inner workings and every angle of a political dispute.

yeah the chink virus suddenly stopped spreading one day.

>>Had to use a desered island of New York to bury the corpses

been using that island since 1860
>>Trump almost fired his health advisor
fake news, both confirmed this

>believing china
awesome thread, enjoy your death rate that's 300% ours

seething burger

Population density maybe?

Attached: map (2).png (1037x496, 256.2K)

that would affect the infection rate, not death rate of those infected


Attached: Yotsuba death to america.jpg (850x1200, 502.97K)

Heh... impressive score USA, but clearly Europe is still in le-, huh, what's that SONG?????

European population is older

would you look at those cans

It was a Chinese bioweapon that they used on the west.

whos this qt3.14

>real retard
shill* or troll

Fake news

No proof of that at all.
Just conpiracy theories

Not him but even Iran said not to trust the Chinese numbers.

>Had to use a desered island of New York to bury the corpses of those who couldn't pay for the hospital bill post-mortem
Thats for homeless people. Where else are you gonna dump a body with no relations at?
It's not like China where they grind people up to eat them like bugs.

We're older and we smoke.

What's source on this image?

you keep posting this cutie... I have to ask her name now
