Any RS2 Finns here?

Any RS2 Finns here?

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I'm not a f*nn but that game is God tier


I prefer the first one banzai's with your bros was a lot of fun

About 40 hours so far in the Talvisota mod. All Winter War did was make me want to play RO2 again so now I'm back on that.

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it's fun

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the KP/31(finish smg) is so fucking OP

Based. Shame it has

Alright 40-1 admin

Lolno I'm a useless pleb, still a lot of fun

got a lot of games I've been playing lately so haven't had time in a while for RS2. The mod mite be cool, but I think I'll wait for '83

For me it's Insurgency

>not insurgency sandstorm
cucked tb h famalam

Got 60 commander kills as Finnish TL. Feels good.

Everyone who plays it has 100x the hours played than you and just rapes your ass without mercy

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Level 77 here with 450~ hours.
Just keep your head down and keep moving user. Set your gun to semi-auto and throw smokes if you got em.

As Amerikans, you can afford both tho

not him but I have almost 120hrs played and still get destroyed, especially on maps like Cu Chi

Play it for the atmosphere

insurgency is always cheap and for some time you could’ve gotten it for completely free

Just rush the flanks

Oh, the first one. Yeah.
My PC's too old for both RS2 and Insurgency 2, sadly.
How's Insurgency 2 doing?

you just suck
I got the hang of it after few matches
RS2 is easy to run afaik
I haven’t played sandstorm since the beta, but it was fun

is the talvisota mod good? i tried it when it was on beta.

PC used to be great (ok, good) back in 2011. Tried it on a free weekend and for a game like this, the FPS I get just aren't comfortable enough

It is good but frustrating. My biggest complaint is the objectives are either too small or too large. Also the area of combat boundaries seem poorly placed. I've ran out of bounds a 100 times where you think you should be able to go.

reinstalling the game atm. all i remember was how the finnish voice acting was super cringy and skiing was terrible, kek. otherwise breddy good

Skis are awful. If you are Finnish infantry be sure to switch to the 1927 rifle. It is much more accurate.

ok. thanks for the tip

Bloodbath is the worst

I was a victim of that fucking mega server rank boost lmao. Had to reset it to like level 20 something and lost all my cosmetics

The VC voice lines are the best