Just imagine having no foreskin

Just imagine having no foreskin.

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My friends were all talking about how disgusting it must be to have foreskin, not knowing that I am uncircumcised. I just laughed along with them because I didn’t want them to make fun of me.
Does this happen in other countries?

do europeans really use their foreskins to jerk off? like they just grab their foreskin and jack it over the heads of their penises? what the fuck is their fucking problem?

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I used to rub my boyfriend's foreskin between my thumb and forefinger real fast on a certain spot and it would drive him wild his leg shake like a dog lol
so yeah

>it's for medical reasons

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not in any civilised country it isn't

how do you jerk off without forseskin?

Yeah, greatest thing about foreskin is that it allows you to masturbate in a sliding motion.
You should try it. Too bad you can't jew dicks

i don't, i have sex. I don't need a built in pocket pussy.

even cut dudes masturbate in a way their brain expects a foreskin to be there. the "up and down" motion doesnt even make sense without one.

amerifats unironically can't masturbate without lubricant

I have never used a lubricant/soap to fap despite being cut.

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surely you just grab the shaft

Same, never heard of anybody doing it either. It's always just a shitty joke in D-tier comedies and Euros take it as fact.

is this the judeo-mutt cope thread?
literaly africa tier.

>foreskinlets will never know how an actual orgasm feels

Enjoy being cut and not knowing the feeling of touching your extremely sensitive dickhead. Also the feeling of pulling the skin past the head, ah yeeeeeeesss.

What is wrong with Australians?

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desert yanks

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I'm psychologically scarred from having my foreskin taken away from me as a baby. I'll never forgive my parents or my ancestors for converting to Islam. Fuck the world

Do mutilated people have any feeling in their glands or whatever the fuck you call the underside of your tip? It's really sensitive and feels so good when it's played with.

im going to rub one out now feels good having foreskin

My parents circumcised me and they never told me why.

>people actually believe cutting your foreskin will prevent aids

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Yes but normally with some sort of lubricant or wetness


Do you guys remember the old circumcision threads years ago where there was this mutt female who always barged in screeching about anti-semitism and 'muh penis feels' when you dared to say that penis mutilation is wrong? I think she had circumcised his son and was trying to cope with the fact.

>americans will never know what having a tongue in your foreskin feels like

There are African countries that think raping babies cures aids so idk not the weirdest I've heard

Does it?

this is what my dick looked like for most of mychildhood/early teens
i used to think it was a botched circumcision but the foreskin doesn't connect to the boober so i don't know how it happened
all i know is it prevented me from getting fully hard and made traditional masturbation painful
i have a big cock btw (20cm)

one day i got hard and it just snapped into two and i still have two very small skin bumps where they connected

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it looks like this now, the bumps have a lot of sensation

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i'm confused. you have a banjo string but no foreskin?

>blue 0-20%
>yellow 20-80%
>orange 80-100%

whole picture is just burger cope.

When I was a teenager I was discussing fapping with my friend and over the course of the conversation he mentioned that he didn’t use lube. I asked him how that was even possible

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>According to the researchers, Canada's current circumcision rate is 32%
>The WHO estimates that the overall male circumcision rate in the states is somewhere between 76 and 92 percent.

yes that's one way to describe it

even girls speak up for their body's choice.

>some retard figured out that not having a foreskin reduces the risk of an infection when you have no access to fresh water
>while completely ignoring that the micro-tears by sand-dry sex is multiplying the risk of infection completely nullifying that effect
>on the contrary, women literally shove sand into their vaginas so everything becomes even dryer