Xi edition
Xi edition
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What's Xi's endgame, /balk/?
first for sagittarius
The eradication of all shitposters
World domination.
Let's go, saphiumans.
How would you know??
Based lord Xi
Retention of power.
I'm a based OKÇU (Sagittarius)
What am I supposed to get from this??
New global /POWER/ bloc
Scorpio tier post
I ate too much today
Apoteçka, you're extremely based. I wish Turkey allied with China and Russia. If I could, I'd conquer the Aegean lands from Greece and give them to Russia and China.
Can't wait for the obliteration of the w*St by Russians and the Chinese.
Your moms bedroom
literal cucks
Dangerous levels of cringe.
>(((russian elite))) will ever go into a conflict with the countries where they send their children to study, buy expensive villas and stuff giant sums in their banks stolen from the Russian people
Uh oh...
>leave N*TO
>attack Greece with our Turkish brothers and secure Thessalonigeria
>attack NMK and split it with Chinese-aligned Albos
That reddit trans thread is sad. Cant believe someone would actually be happier when playing the other gender. Also shows just how much make up can manipulate. Its funny that different to most animals in humanity the roles are twisted and the females have make themselves "pretty" instead of the other way around.
>where they send their children to study
Oh no it's fucking over. Not like they can just send them back lol.
Fucking idiot
>rich people bad
This is the comfiest place on balkan, inside of the black rectangle.
>nation called the United States
what did he mean by this
Enjoy your ban
Kek based prime example
Shut up bastard
You should be ashamed of yourself and all oligarch scum hanged as decoration on the lamposts in St. Petersburg and Moscow
Yes, people will flock to be your allies once you prove yourself willing to betray everyone. Great plan!
you will eat my gold flaked shit
t. Western bootlicker
Nobody asked the people whether they wanted to be aligned with N*TO
It is absolutely VERBOTEN to criticize Russia, sorry.
Rich people are not bad, corrupt oligarchs are.
Your mother cleans houses aptechka, you arent exactly elite
>the people
I am the people and I want to be aligned with NATO, what now faggot?
>Nobody asked the people
Holding referendums in dumb nations is a very dumb idea.
True. But apparently some people cant distinguish them.
You're confusing your mother with mine.
post pic of mother
sure gimme a sec
what do you think about Vidin?
Based NATO causing butthurt amongst subhumans since forever
macedonians are nordic!
Macarbey, why do you think Catholicism is superiour? My friend mocks me for supporting Catholicism and says Hungarians were Protestant but were cucked by the Austrians. Shouldn't you support Pretestantism??
Poorest city in BG, Russia standard of livi
>Shouldn't you support Pretestantism??
No, I'm not retarded. Habsburgs saved us from the Protestant menace.
Good to see the butthurt belt is keeping close.
Thank you, Brother Xi
>social credit score increased
>you can now use public transportation
how could the closest city to Belgrade be the poorest?
But can you explain to me why? They say Catholix are backwards and conservative. Then I call them faggots and say the people they support are worse (Orthodox).
1st emperor of the Jinping dinasty
>Rich people are not
Name a single rich person that made their wealth ALONE without other people working for them.
Because it's next to Belgrad, serve mutt pshek kurwa