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can't find any school shootings in march 2003
That just means there weren't enough dead for it to be worth reporting.
you know things are bad in usa when they stop shooting up schools
i hope usa recovers and we can go back to monthly shootings
>i hope usa recovers and we can go back to monthly shootings
This but unironically
im ancom but still not super convinced on gun control
i dont think an assault weapon is any more lethal than a handgun and a ban wouldnt help much. i think mass shooting are a statistical anomaly in the context of greater gun violence, and should have less focus than gang violence
am i just chowing down nra propaganda? how many of these shootings are preventable with stricter laws (which im not ideologically opposed to)
based retard
Well here we have no real gun violence in schools so maybe check out our laws and change accordingly (or any other country with comperable gdp per capita who don't have as much gun violence in schools)
that's not amazing, they count every gang related retardation near a school in some random inner city area as a school shooting
>dont think an assault weapon is any more lethal than a handgun and a ban wouldnt help much
Yeah that's why armies issue a lot more expensive automatic weapons merely to spend more money and resources.
why the fuck would a socialist be pro gun control
from what i understand fully automatic weapons are already banned and "assault weapons" categorically funcrion and fire the same as any semi automatic gun with mostly aesthetic distinctions
because basic background checks to keep violent individuals unarmed will help oppressed people more than some revolutionary larping about no pretext
Mass shootings are caused by capitalist atomization, only a fascist government fears an armed workforce.
now for world domination
>school shootings
The concept is depressing me. Sure bulling must be stopped, but still killing loads of unarmed children and teenagers is completely wrong morally. First, a lot of innocents die in such events, second - even if dumb jocks and staceys get shot their deaths is surely an unproportional punishment for their sins; besides, given chance to live, they still could've see the errors of their ways and grew up to be decent people.
Can't you guys have prison shootings instead?
Most mass shooters don't kill the people they hated, they target random strangers because they're afraid to confront the people they hate.
My points strengthen even more then.
They're killing the people who could have helped them, but chose not to. Hatred is always greatest toward traitors, not the enemy
Far more people die of many other causes including drug overdose, suicides, gang wars, vehicular collisions and diseases. The government should utilise their limited resources on these issues first. We can talk about school shootings when they reach the top ten mortality cause list.
>drug overdose
>gang wars
Scum clearing itself from the face of Earth.
w*Sterners are not human, comrade. I support their death. I can't wait till Russia and China wipes out the w*St.
sure but what will you do in the meantime before socialism gets implemented?
To stop school shootings because of bullying you’re gonna have to stop the actual bullying first. Imagine being socially outcasted from your peers so bad your final recourse is to shoot them up. I guarantee it doesn’t happen overnight. Like those kids in Parkland spent years bullying that social retard till they pushed him over the edge and killed a bunch of them. It probably would have just taken one normal kid showing him compassion and none of this would have happened. I say this as a properly socialized normalfag that was nice to the social retards so they wouldn’t shoot me just in case that day came.
>when they reach the top ten mortality cause list.
>#10 cause of death is suicide, at 47,173 in 2017*
What's the average k/d of the American schoolchild? I'm trying to figure out how many shooting sprees there'd have to be to reach those numbers.
*some other site said 44,965, so let's just say it's roughly 49k kids dead in a year, so it bumps suicide off the list, but doesn't pass kidney disease, just to keep the numbers conservative
yeah this is why no one gives a shit if 34 people get shot over 4th of July weekend in Chicago
>besides, given chance to live, they still could've see the errors of their ways and grew up to be decent people.
Or, they could learn nothing and continue their awful ways into adulthood, and pass on their disgusting habits to any children unfortunate enough to come from them
What exactly are the negative results of shutting down schools? Why not shut down schools permanently when this corona thing is done with so you avoid problems like bullying?
I started doing the numbers and then realized there are a FUCKTON of American school shootings and most of them have none to single digit fatalities. This turned out to be a whole lot of work I won't get paid for just for a whim, so I stopped.
it did occur to me that it'd be cooler if some absolute battlelords just completely depopulated their schools to reach that top10. I took the size of the biggest public school in each state, that averaged to an imaginary school of about 3514 students. You'd need about 14 massacres of three and a half thousand kids every year before the issue should be addressed.
Total firearm related homicides (including gang wars and school shooting) is at 14542.
Mass shootings (not just school shootings) are usually in the range of 400~600 deaths a year.
So you have to multiply that by 100 to get to the list.
Mutts need to thank Chinese for this
based leftard
You have to realize this: the US is not a country, it’s a disease. They have no culture so they glorify war. It’s a given stuff like that happens there because it’s in their nature to destroy like any other disease.
honestly i dont know what this country expects when it both stigmatizes mental issues and makes it near impossible for people to get help without having to sell a testicle. at very least this virus is starting to get people thinking that maybe our current healthcare system isnt working too well.
School shooters don't give a shit about morality, they're mentally ill people who want to die and take others with them for last-minute revenge
Of course you shouldn't give up your guns retard. When we talk about gun violence its just banter.
You'd have to be unironically dumb to just surrender your firearms.
t. mentally ill loser
gun control wouldnt work anyways. the root of this problem is a massive mental health crisis. its the reason why suicides have skyrocketed in the US. if gun control was enacted then people would turn to something like bombs, as they used to in the 70s when lone bombings was a almost weekly problem in the US.
hey man, if you want to keep getting shot then fine by me. new Zealand looks P comfy tbqh.
>making guns less accessible won't prevent school shootings from hap
i dont like this implication that any an all forms of regulating the distribution of deadly weapons is the same as stripping everyone from them
Not my problem, i'm gonna unschool my kids lol
Slippery slope, the definition of "assault weapons" is vague and could easily be used to virtually curb the right to bear arms altogether
not them, but its a moot point anyways since it ignores the real problem. you wouldnt have to restrict rights very much at all if you had a way for these people to get some form of help before the issue grows into a complex. just look at Switzerland or Czechoslovakia, both of them have high gun-ownership but have few gun related deaths. i dont think its a coincidence that these countries have relatively high healthcare rankings.
how would you go about an unschool shooting?
*gets shoot at the office*
*gets shot at a bar*
*gets shoot at a grocery store*
*gets shot by police officer*
thats also a possibility.
Firearm homicides make up 0.5% of all deaths (roughly 15k out of 3m). You're far more likely to live to an old age and die of disease.