Google the Alma maters of every notable philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, politicians...

>Google the Alma maters of every notable philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, politicians, lawyers etc of this country

>They have all graduated from Oxford or Cambridge

Are there any other countries in the world that have an intellectual tyrannical system like UK? Apparently if you are not from Cambridge or Oxford, you are a bust. What a sickening and dystopian university system.

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Well, every leader of the world has gone to an American college, so there's that.

the uk is a really fucked country for social mobility and its only getting worse.

if you didnt go to oxbridge you're pretty much stunted in terms of how high you can climb
if you're not inheriting property you've actually fucked it up
materially we are poorer than most new world countries and some euro countries

That's why British have SOUL though.

britain has soul if you're part of the elite class

britain is grey, boring, meaningless, consumerist and work driven if you're a regular person.

which is better oxford or cambridge

Isn't it common thing everywhere though? It's the same in Russia with Moscow State University or the US with Yale and Harvard. It's even the same here, if you're not from Tbilisi State University, you're considered to be subhuman.

cambridge is more for science/abstract knowledge
oxford is more for becoming primeminister or applied knowledge

that said if youre doing physics at oxford youre not doing too bad

I don't think so.

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Depends on the subject. They’re already the same though. It doesn’t matter.

it just comes from a vicious circle of:
>oxbridge produces leaders in every field
>oxbridge gathers reputation as the best unis in the country by far
>most intelligent students from across the country desire entry to oxbridge due to its reputation
>oxbridge produces leaders in every field
and so on until the only people taken seriously went
couldnt tell you how it became that way though

also the majority of people in oxbridge went to private school

Cambridge isn't in the same league as Oxford, it's really only Oxford that matters. They get very butthurt about it though.

Not true. Cambridge is better for law and Oxford is better medicine.

I figure a Tier 3 college here is around the equivalent of Cambridge or Oxford there.

What do you need to get in? 15 A*s, donation of a kidney and raising a child for 10 years?

Simply put, Oxford and Cambridge are superior to any university to in America. Your top uni (Harvard) is a meme. It let that tranny Jazz kid in for nothing until her vagina popped and that school shooting photographer with poor SAT results.

>Simply put, Oxford and Cambridge are superior to any university to in America

They usually only ask for 3 A*s, but posh cunts from Eton are at the front of the cue. If you have lots of Advanced Highers from Scotland then that helps since they’re harder than A-levels.

Everyone knows that British Unis btfo the rest of the word’s unis. Oxbridge, UCL, ICL, LSE, St Andrew’s, Edinburgh, and so on.

We don't have just Harvard though.

We also have:
1. Columbia (2nd to Harvard)
2. Brown
3. Duke
4. Stanford
5. Chicago

You can't compete.

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>#9 best university
Yikes, and Oxford isn't even in the top 10

Damn, it's not even bait anymore

I am just going to use the front gate

My ex went there. It's a fucking women's college m8. Your country is a joke, just stop please.

there was only 2 universities for like 800 years

The only respectable one on there is Stanford.
Well done, you googled university rankings and grabbed what you saw from some meme website.
Fuck off you boring cunt
Very Alpha move.


MIT, Princeton, Stanford, UChicago, Harvard are all Oxbridge level
>lolol u let in #blm students
Okay, nobody gives a shit about undergraduate programs. Universities are lauded on account of their research.


cooper hoorder

U of Chicago BTFO's every british uni in economics, even LSE

There is a hierarchy and you all must adhere to it.

>He thinks Harvard is the top univeristy here
and not Caltech, MIT, or Stanford?