It’s like everyone here went to a special needs school.
Is Yas Forums the worst board?
no, that's Yas Forums
Any anime related board
Yas Forums is the best board
Yeah like you would've done something meaningful or productive with your Yas Forums hours. He he
le-le pu-pu
*eats crayon*
I’m studying.
Stop spending time on Yas Forums then and study effectively
Yas Forums is a melting pot, you got retards, trolls, 4channers, redditers, etc and it's interesting because people are from all over the world, somehow we get along
Yas Forums is pol
Yas Forums is 100% troll
Yas Forums is soyboys and geeks
/fa/ is beyond help
Enjoy being demoted to special needs school
Based. Shitposting is king
Nah. /his/ is worse. It is a thinly veiled politics board with reddit ideologies and reddit misconceptions of history.
The icing on the cake is that you get temporarily banned if you argue against their weird cuck ideologies even if you do it by using historical sources and facts. Their tiny egos can't handle it.
Great tier:
/ck/ /sp/
Good tier:
/fit /sci/
Meh tier:
Yas Forums
Shit tier:
Yas Forums Yas Forums
Garbage tier:
Yas Forums
>he thinks Yas Forums is bad
lmao newfag
from best to worst
/sp/ > Yas Forums > other blue boards >>> Yas Forums >>> /soc/ >>>>>>> Yas Forums
Yas Forums is a lot worse. At least here people can take a joke.
Anyone who insults Yas Forums is a guaranteed shitskin or negro
It's another "I complain a lot of the state of this board but I won't leave" episode.
God, Brits and Amerimutts are the worst subhumans in existence.
are sharethreads still a thing?
are you serious? This is one of only a few decent boards. Yas Forums is pretty based too, but for completely different reasons.
>Yas Forums is pretty based too, but for completely different reasons.
wink wink
it's Yas Forums pretending it's not Yas Forums
>tf (that flag)
>tp (that post)
t. Triggered blackie
/x/ bunch of schizos LARPing
/soc/ nothing but queerosexual traps and attention whores
i had and autism screech against my parents today ;(
Every one in a while, but I'm not using them as mt MEGA account is full and I'm too lazy to make another one. I just use Soulseek.
what happened to /x/ bros? It used to actually be about exploring scary stuff. Now it's
>is it safe to communicate with angels?
>how do I summon a succubus
>invisible nanobeams from satellites are turning me into a cactus
Most non white flags are whites living there or using a vpn
most of dutch, german, swedish and uk flag are turks, indians, and blacks/albanian/rumenian(poles
oh the irony
If you have schizophrenia (like most /x/ posters) then that's pretty scary.
I’ve been here since 2013, sadly.
>you must stage a boycott to show your discontent
Don’t be silly.
i've been here since around the same year and i think it's one of the best boards
People here will definitely call you a newfag for that
It’s not as good as before. Quality dipped in 2018.
And I feel nothing, but pity for them.
Yas Forums is alright
Yas Forums is a cesspool that I always regret touching
Yas Forums is ok for porn, I don't know why anyone would take it seriously tbqh
I don't really visit the other big boards to be able to tell