>steals your gf edition
Other urls found in this thread:
logging onto the web
why are women more sociable than men
considering buying a ps4 lads
death to the media
hope the french poster turns up soon
England and The English
watches and motorbikes are two things that /brit/ periodically has an argument about whether they're cool or for benders, i've noticed
worms and lymph nodes in a shit sauce
Doesn't have any character who is as well delivered as Master Shake. Dana Snyder is a genius
Music for this advert was stolen. Kind of anyway. Only licensed for limited use. The guy who made the music for it rang up the company and asked them to compensate him and some jew answered the phone and offered him 1 million to smooth things over of which 30% would go to said jew for being such a lovely lad.
However the lad recorded the conversation and sued the shit out of them.
>rapes you
heh... nothing personnel kid.
Enlist to join the army today, what are you waiting for?
didnt realize /brit/ would have so many ruff ryders. my dogs were here all along
doesnt matter what you like. there's always some bitter contrarian cunt here who will call you a virgin for bender for liking it.
they arent though
being an introvert is more acceptable for women
quarterly earnings reports are coming the next few weeks lads
Bikes are cool, just don't go on about it hai.
>Rishi Sunak warned the government would not be able to protect every UK business and household
bikes are for bum molesters, watches are fine
Need lockdown to end, losing the definition between different parts of my life and called my brother a nigger.
>tfw solid gold watch and Italian bike
UK has a motorcycle culture, just look at the Isle of Man TT
You appear to have mistaken me for a cuck.
Where did you find this picture of me?
Might as well get a PS5 if it's backwards compatible. I bought a PS4 during Black Friday last year. It wasn't bad, but Black Friday isn't really worth it anymore.
Retarded sister has been out 3 times today already. Gone out again to get money out of the ATM. Have had multiple arguments with her about this. She has asthma too. She just thinks its not gonna happen to her for some strange reason.
waiting for corona to fuck off so i can get to pirbright
miserable, but feel like the fact that i'm sat in front of a PC 24/7 is the cause. Can't really do much about it rn though
Anyone under the age of 50 that has a watch needs shot.
I still have people on my PSN friends list from school that I haven't spoken to in years
Wish I had the courage to talk to them
Yeah nah, I’d prefer a golf R over any little 2000cc death trap any day. You can’t even listen to tunes and it has no heaters. How the fuck are you going to eat and drive on a motorbike.
That's because women don't have to initiate. All they have to do is look pretty.
is that a bloke? need to know ASAP if i can wank to this
A watch is a fashion accessory, it's not use for practicality these day. frankly, if your watch is worth less than £5000, its not even worth wearing. Although the chance of you getting mugged by some wog is extremely high.
shut up you ugly cunt
unlikely they'd reply
Insane stunt bonus: $121
racist cunt
It's because you're a coward like all paddies
>Reynhard Sinaga is an Indonesian serial rapist who was convicted of 159 sex offences, including 136 rapes of young men committed in Manchester, England, between 2015 and 2017, where he was living as a mature student. He was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting 48 men during this period, 44 of whom he raped, although the police believe he was offending for years beforehand. Sinaga was prosecuted in four trials between 2018 and 2020 and was given 88 concurrent life sentences with a minimum term of 30 years. The prosecution described Sinaga as the most prolific rapist in British legal history
What exactly did he mean by this?
That's a real long boi
its weird how the passage of time makes it hard to talk to people you were once very close with
open face helmet + maccies drive thru
Explain what's cucked about it
golf Rs are so fucking boring
Dumb little motorbike wog
The best Adult Swim show is Space Ghost Coast To Coast. Don't at me.
I only got one in 2018. I'm fucking miles behind when it comes to gaming. PS5 will probably be delayed though so hopefully I can catch up over the next 2 years and get a PS5 in 2022/2023 when the price comes down.
Having a panic attack whilst listening to Bish Bosch
Bender innit
it's too comical to be real
What's the big deal about wearing a watch?
imagine having a willard so tiny hundreds of bums couldn't feel it
what do you want her to do? stay inside until we get a vaccine?
*breaths heavily*
ive had my fair share of sexual encounters with women and only once was i the one to initiate. i was incredibly attractive when i was 18-23. the drugs, booze, ciggies and being broke all the time have really caught up to me though, look proper deranged nowadays
When you don't share the same experiences with someone it makes it hard to relate.
pussy little mick
Rare good Mikey post, how the fuck am I gonna eat my chips and big mac on a fucking bike they'll go everywhere
weird. met lots of pikeys into bikes. maybe it's just by virtue of them being easy to nick and sell on
imagine how enjoyable it was for that rugby lad to batter this cunt into a bloody mess.
You have to be an extreme cuck to joinn an army. Literally a subhuman.
this thread needs a french poster
unless you're in a very high powered position (CEO of a successful company, partner in a big law firm etc.) gold watches just look tryhard and cringe