Crusades were racially/religiously motivated. Hence they're hate crimes. And because of this, Turks...

Crusades were racially/religiously motivated. Hence they're hate crimes. And because of this, Turks, Jews and Arabs (victims of racist crusader) are owed trillions of dollars in reparations. Or Vatican can publicly apologize.

Attached: Vatikan.jpg (1024x1024, 68.26K)

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what about whites enslaved by arabs?

crackers getting what they deserve

>Crusades were racially/religiously motivated
And so were the Islamic conquests into Persia and the East Roman Empire. So when are you subhumans moving back to the Russian steppes where you belong?

Attached: IslamicConquestsIroon[1].png (1006x893, 104.91K)

>Crusades were racially/religiously motivated
The Crusades only started because your Seljuk retard ancestors invaded Anatolia and the Levant and BTFO the G*yreeks.

laws can't be applied to things done before the law was passed

crusaders killed unrelated jews and arabs

Perfect mideast

>ywn kill a t*rk
is there a worse timeline?

The Pope didn't tell them to kill unrelated Jews, he even said to not.