You will never look like this

>you will never look like this
why even live?

Attached: USC chads.jpg (1228x1280, 195.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

All Americans look like this.

Attached: Russians vs Americans .jpg (1464x955, 353.27K)

>mfw when euro camboys look better than our models

Attached: 78656789.webm (768x432, 1.54M)

Cope, most of your are fats and mutt. I've been.

You literally can achieve that body though, it will just take a few years of hard work like that guy put in. Or just roid.

Reading comprehension? Where?

>those milkers

Attached: 1586874864693.jpg (512x512, 34.6K)

>tfw good looking but manlet
Fucking sucks.

Still not as good as Aussies

Attached: 1659df4b1b7a649fff3bb16e08345d62_crop_exact.jpg (800x533, 57.05K)

Notice they're on the sidelines not playing, posing like a bunch of poofs. Meanwhile the black bvlls are on the field excelling.

Adopt me UK, or Sweden, or Czech Republic or Finland or Russia or even France. Take me away from this obese shithole. Please.

Attached: 3495443.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

yeah these guys were a joke. they were there to attract girls for the players to breed, no lie

the white boys bring the girls, the BLACK MEN breed them


american football causes brain damage

Yeah let me just exercise my way up to 6'5

>Wont even make it to NFL
no thanks i would rather be a chad top Draft pick like chase young

Attached: Chase young.jpg (1024x683, 86.25K)

lol I can always tell something is russian by the wallpaper. Why do they love wallpaper so much? aware me where you get these purposes

europeans look like lanky shit on average, no offense.

I steal them from.
Mega cope, and even if that were the case lanky > fat pigs.

The fact that you care that some sad cunt cropped it says more about you than whatever you're trying to convey.

how bad is it really? isn't there a decent gym culture in america?

Attached: thinke.png (300x300, 141.97K)

>average athletic guy

just lift man

who is this?

>gym culture
We're not Australia. On the west coast (California) perhaps where people are forced to look good or be ridiculed (i'm moving there soon coronavirus has put a wrench in my plans). You'd be surprised how many unfit mutts I see daily. I pretty much made a game out of counting the fats I drive by on the highway kek. The worst part of it? is that people here will tell clearly fat fucks that they're "normal" sized and not fat. So we have a bunch of delusional overweight fags who think they're not fat so never lose the shit.

> that face

Hot also
>israel views
>that high
Jews are lying about hating russians

they look good, but i doubt they could survive a tackle

>they get to graduate from a respected university AND slay mad hot pussy day in and out
Life isnt fair, is it?

And germans, and italians, and finns. It just goes to show you, no matter what a med,finnic may say online. When they see a light eyed alphamale slav, their first instinct is to serve.

Australia is fat as fuck too dude, literally all Anglos are fat and their only cope is that they're marginally less fat than the USA (albeit they're just trailing behind)

>Australia is fat as fuck too dude their only cope is that they're marginally less fat than the USA (albeit they're just trailing behind)
No, it's that they're much less mutt

Australians are also Mutts you tard; do you think they're all pure Englishmen or something?

Australia is more British than America, that is a statistical fact.

I actually do, it's just that I'm 5'9.

he did not say they were not mutt he said they were less mutt
+ I do think Australians are pretty much Englishmen
what blood has they otherwise?
maybe some other european bloods but that's marginal