TFW you realize if France and Germany went to war today France would steamroll Germany harder than they got fucked in...

>TFW you realize if France and Germany went to war today France would steamroll Germany harder than they got fucked in 1940
Ge*moids, how does it feel to be at the mercy of the US, France and Poland?

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why are americans so obsessed with war

Do you have the slighest idea how unlikely this is? Not only our foreign policies, but even our armies are already intertwined with France.

The situation is what it is precisely because we're not in the 20s or 30s and there is no such tension between Germany and us or between Germany and any of its neighboors that could lead to an open war.
Thus, Germany, being pragmatic as always, focuses on civil industry and not on a currently useless military one.

>The key section of the treaty is Article 5. Its commitment clause defines the casus foederis. It commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state, in Europe or North America, to be an armed attack against them all.
good luck france

that's stupid, if germany felt threatned, they can build a stronger army than our in few months/years

they could do it

Oh no no no no

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yeah for about 2 days


It's still undeniably hilarious, even if basically impossible. I would personally love if we invaded G*rmany to show them that they're forever inferior.

americans are dumb as fuck

heavily nationalistic country that fetishizes violence and still unironically believes they've always been on the "good" side of history as a country

>heavily nationalistic country that fetishizes violence
>unironically believes they've always been on the "good" side of history as a country
We have. Only bad parts of our history were cheating Britain in WW2 and obviously rebelling against them.

why does france have their capital so close to germany and germany has their capital far from france? hmmmmmmmm

how does it feel to have a powerful military and not being able to use it?

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Because every once in a while we like to let them know how it feels to experience culture.

We use it all the time dumbass.

more like "we complain about others using their when we can't use ours"

>how it feels to experience culture
You mean to have shitskins in all of your mainstream media and having nigger/sandnigger babies being the only ones repopulating Paris? No worries, the germans are doing a fine self-cuckening by themselves.

There is no 'Germany' anymore.

>t. weak pussies
That's why he said IF you retard.

>Ge*moids, how does it feel to be at the mercy of the US, France and Poland?

Feels great to be surrounded by our big brothers who will always protect us

You never heard of the Philippine massacre?

>Because every once in a while we like to let them know how it feels to experience culture.

lmao it hurts because it's true
>ywn be french

why even live

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>I would personally love if we invaded G*rmany


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>I would personally love if we invaded G*rmany to show them that they're forever inferior.
You can't even conquer impoverished rice farmers and goat fucking sandniggers. Are you sure about that? Bavaria and Baden Würtenberg would rip you a new one in an alpine guerilla war.

>Spanish-American war
>extermination of the natives
>everything that you did in Latin America during the cold war
>the vietnam war
>the involvement in the Yugoslavian war
>the Afghan war
>the Iraqi war
this is strictly what involves your military, there's more if you include CIA covert operations

Asking wether France could fight Germany is like asking wether Nepal could fight Honduras.


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isn't the EU planning on building a collective EU army? (at least from the western states)