I can never take Finns seriously.
I can never take Finns seriously
God created finns, so they can satisfy norwegian BVLLS
I, on the other hand, find myself completely unable to interpret aussies without grave seriousness
Finnish posts always have a mystical vibe to them
my mom is forcing me to go to therapy
we first checked an appointment for 2 weeks from now and itwas 45 minutes long , but she found anoter one and forced me to cancel it, now i have 1 hour appointment next week. Should i kill myself to punish her ?
why dont you kill her
its not a good punishment
all right
eat a shitload of raw garlic before you go to the appointment
Go back to /mämmi/, user.
I hate finns
listen to this song bro
depends entirely on what you're going to therapy for
I have never been serious
Huutista homo Ap:eelle
>I can never take Finns seriously.
I take Finns both seriously and from behind.
turpa kiinni hintti minä teen mitä minä haluan
I literally just finished masturbating, you have to stop posting like this
>I literally just finished masturbating
Post semen.
I went to finnish chan, how come they don't post their big dicks like the russians do on 2ch?
Most finns are cringeposters
ylilauta is cucked nowadays, they cant post penis anymore
you get banned if you post dick pics or any porn
big benis posters such as myself escaped the finnish chans a decade ago
Finns less tolerant than russian chan. What universe is this!??!!
Russians don't have big dicks tho. But I find Russians incredibly cute.
what the heck is this true???
das rite
it's just a bit of water coming out by now
I'm so sore
How can I find a cute smooth finn twink bf?
That is self reported, and the russian number is also made up just like most of the med countries are, their measured are amongst the smallest in Europe at 12cm. Russia and most cunts real measured.
unironically true
because our owner is jew he make it ad friendly
I prefer small to medium-sized penises tho.
I knew meds were coping hard.
wish we had a bro country to make comfy memes about
shouldn't have murdered the irish so much
hey what's a bit of genocide between friends haha
You shouldn't. Also stop encouraging these shitters.