This is a 24 year old Japanese woman

This is a 24 year old Japanese woman

Attached: CnAFBbcUkAAdNJi.jpg (1534x2048, 249.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't find these types of asians to be particularly attractive.

now tell me weebs aren't closeted pedophiles


Attached: CnAFBapUMAADxqV.jpg (1534x2048, 297.58K)

Why the fuck does she look so young?

You aren't.

Maybe because he's not a pedo?


She is 24?

Attached: CnAFBdTUIAAaGkC.jpg (1536x2048, 398.73K)

You're black, your opinion literally doesn't matter.


But most importantly:


Attached: 5314005931493815314.jpg (1080x1350, 109.64K)

Who is this?

White boy looks cuuuuter than all kind of race of female
Please white boy

Let me just make things clear for you all.

Crab=Vampire>Bee>Phoenix>Doll>Monkey>Ghost>Snail>>>>Cat>>dog shit>>>>>>>>>diarrhea>Snake

Meanwhile, 18 year old wh*te "woman"

Attached: Maisie_Williams.jpg (1000x736, 84.96K)

When you realise your crush weighs as much as your leg


>People actually think 1. Japanese "men" won't all be incels soon, 2. W*ite "women" won't all be sold to blacks soon

Attached: 1585705443685.gif (190x190, 1.75M)

based schizoid

Attached: 1574721331100.jpg (510x375, 43.24K)

You just aren't a pedo bro

Marina Nagasawa

God! I could do with a Korean white boy whorshipping qt

Attached: 6E88D123-F534-40CE-9F36-9CA28EE74CC0.jpg (2560x2277, 618.63K)

Just move to Korea, Nigel. Korean "men" literally all look like women.

THIS, is a pretty asian.

Attached: E4B6ACED-A37E-4497-892E-6B4121BC0C25.jpg (960x960, 146.43K)


Yes, with fake eyelashes, circle contact lenses and a heavy filter.

you got me on this one

This one's 24 too

Attached: 1586883130067.jpg (1080x1349, 467.3K)

Obvious filter

I'm a pedo and I don't find her attractive or cute. Please, explain.

damn you, the bells of notre dame song is stuck in my head again


She looks young though?

Maybe you're disgusted by the fact that she's 24 and or you're a normal person who don't have yellow fever?

But Cat and Snake are the best

You're non-nonce black, your opinion is always above wh*toids and azin nonces

asiater är så jävla äckliga
