Why do some Italians look like they could be from India? Are they related

Why do some Italians look like they could be from India? Are they related

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She'd be an incel if she were male.

I met a girl from Italy who's studying here who could come straight out of the shitting streets.

Italians look like Jews. Tony Soprano's daughter was played by a Jewish girl.

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Pineapples on pizza is gross bu Italians aren't the authorities on pizza. Have you had pizza from Italy? it's shit.

I wonder how dirty Meadow's bumhole was

Probably Sicilian.
>Heavy Arab/Muslim influence
>Berber/Amazigh heritage
and just general appearance of a Southern Med.


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>Have you had pizza from Italy?

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Moor rape babies from centuries gone by

holy BASED...!

she looks italian


and some not

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the further north-east you get the more white the people are. this is why America is the whitest country on Earth

Because the country is more diverse than people think. Years of history, migrations and conquests make it so that people look different.

A distinguishing point between Indians and swarthier Europeans is the nose. Very few Indian people have the nose like in OP. Even the palest Indians have the Indian nose.

Pic related.

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yeah u can differentiate between pale indians/pakis and Italians pretty easily. They usually have thinner lips as well

Look how much pre-IE DNA they must have though with how dark their features are. Italy is gross

>she looks italian
Well because South Italians and Jews can be similar

What is an indian nose?

Many Indians have this type of nose. European noses are broader.

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1 billion people have that nose? Wow

No, I actually have a bulby nose from my mother but many of my friends have that nose. Plus my Dad also has it.

are you jealous?

Ah okay .Maybe you're speaking for your region

>Look how much pre-IE DNA they must have though with how dark their features are. Italy is gross

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Do I seem like it?

I am kinda. Bulby noses aren't seen as aesthetic. For women there's literally make up tutorials on how to contour a bulbous nose. But then again, it's just a nose.

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why are you such swarthy germans


learn history kiddo

is that a male?

I am, I have fat slavic nose and its easily ruining my face from a 7 to a 5

The whiter ones obviously have Franco-Gaulish genes and are most certainly offsprings of French knights during the Furia Francese.

Why are Italian girls so angry?

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