femoid edition
/v4/ + /balk/
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for anime.
Good post
extremely based edition my brother
Women are subhumans
Blessing this thread.
>my forehead when someone posts in /v4/
Is that your sister, manolo?
We did that with germans
based tork
Im european
based turk
Vértünde vagyok
Have you ever sniffed a middle-school girls' feet?
Yes but she was my cousin
Was it a good smell?
Not really
Make a new thread please I don’t want to post with all these Christian and tosk scum bags
Poland and Slovakia owe us medical aid.
Suck my dick.
That's gonna be three fiddy
Czechs and Magyars already sent us planes.
So yes you owe.
Balkans go here
since Slovakia don't exist we don't owe you anything :)
Balkans stay here
I could beat every one of you cumskin fags
Beat me daddy
Beat my meat.
Peak Hungarian track
Why can't you faggots contain sloncho? He is your responsibility.
he is a superweapon
He's too fat to contain.
Didn't he throw a huge hissy fit and say he's never gonna post in /balk/ again? Guess he started missing the attention and decided to return anyways. As fickle as a femoid, disgusting.
Thank you Poland!
besides, Serbia isn't part of V4